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Enterprise Tester Rover RoverX is a plugin for Enterprise Tester that gives provides users with the flexibility to test conduct testing anywhere. With Rover, users will now be able to access Enterprise Tester’s core features whether you’re working offsite or all the way , including in remote locations or even in outer space.!



  • Plugin for Mobile and Offline Testing: Utilize a plugin that supports mobile and offline testing capabilities.
  • Offline Test Case Access: Download test cases while connected , for offline execution
  • Download incidents while connected, for offline access
  • View script assignments and script assignment run history, execute a new run
  • to execute them offline.
  • Offline Incident Access: Download associated incidents for offline review.
  • Test Execution Management: View Test Executions, Test Execution run history, and execute new Test Runs.
  • Incident Creation: Create new Incidents directly from the application.
  • Sync Dashboard: Upload your changes back to Enterprise Tester when you reconnect online.
  • Platform Support: Compatible with Windows machines and devices.Supported on Windows machines and devices
titleTable of Contents

Table of Contents


System Requirements

Rover RoverX is a plugin for Enterprise Tester that allows users to be able to work with ET data offline.

Getting started is easy and there are only a few simple requirements:

enables offline access and management of Enterprise Tester data. To get started, ensure the following requirements are met:

  1. Enterprise Tester Instance: A working instance of Enterprise Tester that can be accessed accessible over the internet or through a network ( for uploading and downloading data). 
  2. Rover License: A valid Rover license must be applied to Enterprise Tester.
  3. Windows Device: A Windows device with the .NET Framework 4.5 installed installed.
Rover is compatible with Enterprise Tester  6.4 and above. Enterprise Tester must

RoverX is a plugin for Enterprise Tester that enables offline access and management of Enterprise Tester data. To ensure compatibility and functionality, please meet the following requirements:

  1. Enterprise Tester Compatibility: RoverX is compatible with Enterprise Tester version 6.4 and above.

  2. Server Accessibility: Enterprise Tester must be installed on a server that is accessible either through the internet or

  1. your office network. This is

so that you can access Enterprise Tester to download the
  1. necessary for:

    • Downloading Execution Sets, individual
Script Assignments
    • Test Runs, and associated Incidents
, and
    • before going offline
as well as being able to access Enterprise Tester again to upload
    • .
    • Uploading your results and
updated and
    • new incidents once you are back online.

Applying your Rover License

To apply your Rover License, you will need to have Administrator rights to Enterprise Tester.  

Navigate to the Admin tab, expand the Extensions folder and double click on Rover.

Add the license text ( if you do not have a license text, please contact Catch Sales) to the License Text field:

Operating Systems (Client)

The client application supports the following Operating Systems:

  • Windows 10 and above
  • Windows Server 2019 and above

titleMobile Phones not supported

Windows Phone and Windows Mobile do not support .NET 4.5

.NET Framework

Rover requires .NET 4.5 to be installed.

When installing the .Net Framework 4.5 you have two options - either install from a "web download" (a small download, which will then install only the components you require) or you can download a "redistributable" which is a large file containing all the files necessary for the .Net Framework 4.5 to be installed on any machine.

If you plan on installing the Framework on more than one machine within your organization it is suggested that you use the redistributable, to avoid multiple downloads.

The web downloader can be downloaded from:

It is approximately 1mb in size.

The redistributable can be downloaded from:

It is approximately 50mb in size.

Once you have successfully logged into Rover you need to download users from ET Serve to Rover. This enables you to Assign Bugs when using Rover.
Click on the User Sync icon in the left hand menu

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Once the User Sync has completed the following message will be displayed on the screen.

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Click on the OK button to continue.

Viewing your Projects

When you log in to Rover for the first time Project field will be blank.

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To access the projects from Enterprise Tester that you have permission to, click on the down arrow (above the search field).
This will display a list of available projects from Enterprise Tester. Anything that is in light grey is a Category in Enterprise Tester.
Select a project.

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The Execution Set and Packages will be displayed and listed in the same order as the explorer navigator in Enterprise Tester.
You can change the project in view by selecting the project drop-down. 

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You can change the project in view by selecting the project drop down. The project listed will depend on the projects your user account has access to on the ET server and will be 

In Enterprise Tester, the navigator shows the following:

Image Removed

The project category structure and the order of projects is retained.

The next time you log in to Rover the last project selected will be displayed by default.

Navigating Rover

The Navigator on the left side provides 5 options:

  1. Test Execution
  2. Incidents
  3. Synchronization Dashboard
  4. User Sync
  5. Settings

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Above the tabs you'll notice a status icon. This will tell you if you are connected to the server or not.

The following icon indicates that you are not connected to the server.

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The next image shows that you are connected to the server.

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Search Bar

Enter search criteria in the Search field and press Enter on your keyboard or select the Search icon.
The search results will be displayed in the tree,  only items that match the search entered and their parent folders, like the following image:

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Entity Icons

Rover has a number of entity icons that denote the state of the (script assignment or incident). The tables below show each icon and the state of the entity.

Script Assignments


Test Execution

Rover provides you with the ability to run tests from Enterprise Tester when you are on the go - working in remote locations, or in areas where internet connectivity is unreliable or unavailable.

Rover supports synchronizing both script assignments and incidents with Enterprise Tester. This article covers synchronizing and running script assignments.
Although internet access is not required to run tests in Rover, internet access is required when performing the following;
  • When downloading script assignments and incidents from Enterprise Tester server.
  • When uploading test run results, new incidents and new comments on existing incidents to Enterprise Tester server.

The Getting Started article provides an introduction to help users become familiarized with Rover.

Copying Scripts and Execution Sets to Rover

An internet connection is required for this task.

After logging into Rover, and selecting a project, the navigator will display the execution set folders and their script assignments (but not their agile runs) in the selected project listed in the Enterprise Tester navigator.

In Enterprise Tester:

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In Rover, the execution icon is highlighted in green and the packages and any script assignments of the selected project are displayed:

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You can change the project by selecting from the drop down list. Projects are organised into categories, just like in Enterprise Tester. Users will only be able to see projects that are defined in their user permissions on the Enterprise Tester server.

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Once the project is selected, you can then review and select the execution sets you wish to download from Enterprise Tester server.

By default the folders are collapsed. The white Image Removed button shows that the folder can be expanded and has sub-folders. Click on this to expand the folder.
Once the folder can no longer be expanded the button will turn black and point downwards Image Removed 

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Execution sets and script assignments that have not yet been downloaded (or have been changed since you last downloaded) to your device will display the download icon Image Removed.

To download execution sets, click on the download icon for the folder or the individual script assignment you wish to download. You can also download all execution sets and script assignments by clicking on the download icon for the Execution Sets folder.

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Once you have downloaded the execution set or the script assignment, the download icon will disappear.

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You'll also notice that once a script assignment has been downloaded from the server to the client device, the script assignment icon will change from:

Image Removed  - White left corner with a green dot  - this icon denotes that the script assignment is on the server and has not been downloaded.


Image Removed - solid green square - this icon denotes that the script assignment has been downloaded, and has not yet been altered on the client device.

You can view a list of all icons on the Entity Icon section of the Getting Started article.

Viewing and Running Tests

Once you have downloaded your script assignments, depending on the machine or device you are using, you can click or tap on the script assignment in the tree view to view or run your script.

The following fields will be displayed on the screen. If any of the fields are blank in Enterprise Tester then the fields will not be displayed in Rover when viewing.

  • Script Description
  • Script Objective
  • Script Pre-Conditions
  • Script Post Conditions
  • Script Notes
  • All completed script custom fields and the run history 

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You can choose to view any of the previous runs on the run history grid. The run history grid will provide you with some basic details including the Run Number, the Run By details, the status of each run, the Sync Status and any Incidents associated to the Test Run. The sync status will tell you whether the run has been recorded on the server or whether it only resides locally.

Starting a New Run

You can start a new run by selecting the Create New Run button located above the run history grid. This will load the run screen which will provide you with all the custom fields scoped for script assignments and you'll also see your steps in a list view. You'll also see:

  • The run number
  • User running the test
  • Step status bar (to the right of the scrollbar)
  • The active step is highlighted with a blue border
  • Step navigation and Step Result menu at the bottom of the screen

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Similarly to executing a test run in Enterprise Tester, there is a text field for entering Actual Results. While a step is active you can select the step result at the bottom of the screen to set that step's status. If you Pass a step, the next step will automatically be selected, otherwise the actual result field will be focused so that you can start typing.
There are keyboard shortcuts for this screen:

  • Ctrl+Up selects the previous step
  • Ctrl+Down selects the next step
  • Ctrl+P - Pass the current step
  • Ctrl+F - Fail the current step
  • Ctrl+B - Block the current step
  • Panel

    Getting Started

    Enterprise Tester Rover RoverX is an offline mobile client for Enterprise Tester . Rover gives you the that provides flexibility to run your tests and log incidents offline when internet access maybe limited or unavailable.

    With Rover, you can:

    Select the execution sets or individual script assignments to download to

    without internet access. Here’s a detailed look at its capabilities:

    Key Features and Functions:

    • Offline Testing: Run tests and log incidents offline, ideal for environments with limited or no internet access.
    • Downloading Test Runs: Select and download execution sets or individual test runs to your Windows machine or device (requires internet access
    • ).
    Select the incidents to download to your windows machine or device
    • Executing Test Runs: Perform the necessary test runs offline (internet access not required)
  • Run the required test (internet access not required)
  • Create and Assign incidents (internet access not required)
  • Link
    • .
    • Incident Management: Create and assign incidents, and link failing test steps to
    incidents (internet access not required)
  • Upload your data back to the ET server (when connected to the internet) 
  • Installing Rover

    Rover is supported on Windows Operating Systems. For more information, please see System Requirements.

    To install Rover download the application zip file from the Catch website
    Unzip the files and run the ET Rover file (type is "application", you will recognize it by its green icon). This will automatically launch Rover on your Windows machine or device. 

    Image Removed

    The Login screen will launch. You can pin the application to your start menu or your task bar to make it easier to launch the application.

    titleAdvice for Multi User Devices

    If your machine or device is used by multiple people (e.g. pool resource), then we recommend that you install Rover into a directory that is associated with your personal profile rather than a shared directory.

    The first time you log into the client, you will need to be able to connect to your Enterprise Tester server. This may mean that you need to be connected to the internet or be able to access your corporate or office network.

    From the Login screen, enter in your Enterprise Tester Server URL, username and password.

    Image Removed

    If you do not have a Rover license applied to your installation of Enterprise Tester on the server, a message will appear alerting you that the license is missing or expired. If you see this message please contact your Enterprise Tester system administration to check your Rover license. 

    Image Removed
    Download ET Users to Rover
    IconState Description
    Image Removed
    Synced (copied locally)
    Image Removed
    Not Downloaded (only resides on Enterprise Tester server)
    Image Removed
    Changed on server (downloaded, but the entity has been updated on the server since the download)
    Image Removed
    Changed Locally (server has a copy but local version is newer)
    Image Removed
    Changed Both (each have a copy with changes that need merging)
    Image Removed
    Deleted On Server (downloaded, but has since been deleted from the server)
    IconState Description
    Image Removed
    Synced (copied locally)
    Image Removed
    Not Downloaded (resides on Enterprise Tester server)
    Image Removed
    Changed on server (downloaded, but the entity has been updated on the server since the download)
    Image Removed
    Not Uploaded (created locally, server doesn't have a copy yet)
    Image Removed
    Changed Locally (server has a copy but local version is newer)
    Image Removed
    Changed Both (each have a copy with changes that need merging)
    Image Removed
    Deleted On Server (downloaded, but has since been deleted from the server)
    Execution TestsExecution Tests
    • incidents without needing an internet connection.
    • Uploading Data: Once connected to the internet, you can upload your test run results and new incidents back to the Enterprise Tester server.

    Usage Workflow:

    1. Preparation:

      • Select and download the required test execution sets or individual test runs while connected to the internet.
    2. Offline Work:

      • Execute test runs offline.
      • Create and assign incidents during the testing process.
      • Link any failing test steps to incidents as needed.
    3. Syncing Data:

      • Upload the collected data back to the Enterprise Tester server once internet connectivity is restored.

    RoverX ensures that testing processes can continue seamlessly even in remote or offline conditions, making it a versatile tool for testers working in diverse environments.

    Installing Rover

    RoverX is supported on Windows Operating Systems. For detailed system requirements, please refer to the System Requirements section.

    Installation Steps

    1. Download the Application: Visit the Catch Software website to download the RoverX application zip file:

    2. Unzip the Files: Extract the contents of the zip file to a location on your Windows machine or device.

    3. Run the Setup File: Locate and run the Setup file from the extracted folder. This will automatically install RoverX on your machine and launch the application.

    Image Added

    If you get the following pop up while installing RoverX select Install.
    Image Added

    Initial Setup and Login

    1. Launch RoverX: The Login screen will appear once the installation is complete. For easier access in the future, you can pin the application to your Start Menu or Taskbar.

    2. Connect to Enterprise Tester: The first time you log in, ensure that you are connected to the internet or your corporate network to access your Enterprise Tester server.

    3. Enter Login Details: On the Login screen, input your Enterprise Tester Server URL, username, and password. Then, click the Login button to access RoverX.

    Image Added

    If you do not have a Rover license applied to your installation of Enterprise Tester on the server, a message will appear alerting you that the license is missing or expired. If you see this message please contact your Enterprise Tester system administration to check your Rover license. 

    The following message will be displayed . Select OK button. 

    Image Added

    RoverX will restart and by default will be in Offline mode.

    Image Added

    Select the Image Added icon to go to Online mode. When in Online mode the icon will be green.Image Added

    Image Added
    Note: Once you click the Login button when you are online this will download all active Enterprise Tester users. This will enable you to assign incidents to users.

    If a different user wants to login to RoverX on you device the following message will be displayed.
    Confirm the Restart: When prompted with the message "Select OK". RoverX will restart.

    Image Added

    Viewing your Projects

    When you log in to RoverX for the first time Project field will be blank.

    Image Added

    1. Open the Project List: Click on the down arrow located above the search field. This will display a list of available projects from Enterprise Tester.

    2. View Available Projects: Projects that appear in light grey are Categories within Enterprise Tester. The list of projects shown will depend on the projects your user account has access to in Enterprise Tester.

    3. Select a Project: From the Project drop-down list, choose a project.

    Image Added

    Viewing Execution Sets and Packages

    • Alphabetical Order: Once a project is selected, the Execution Sets and Packages will be displayed in alphabetical order.

    • Change Project: To view execution sets and packages from a different project, simply select a new project from the Project drop-down list.

    Image Added

    In Enterprise Tester, the Explorer Tree shows the following:

    Image Added

    The project category structure and the order of projects is retained.

    The next time you log in to RoverX the last project selected will be displayed by default.

    Navigating Rover

    The Navigator on the left side of the RoverX interface provides five key options:

    1. Image Added Refresh: Update the current view to reflect any recent changes or updates from Enterprise Tester server.
    2. Image AddedTest Execution: Access and manage test executions, including starting new test runs and viewing existing ones.

    3. Image AddedSync Dashboard: Manage and view the sync status, including uploading changes to Enterprise Tester when online.
    4. Image AddedOnline/Image AddedOffline Mode: Toggle between online and offline modes to manage your test runs and data access as needed.

    5. Image AddedUser Settings: Access and modify your user settings for RoverX.

    These options help you navigate and utilize the various features of RoverX efficiently.

    Image Added

    Online/Offline Modes

    The Online/Offline option can be toggled to indicate your connection status with the Enterprise Tester server.

    • Offline Mode:

      • When you are not connected to the server, RoverX will display an indicator like the following image:
        Image Added

    • Online Mode:

      • When you are connected to the server, the indicator will change to show that you are online.
        Image Added

    Toggling between these modes allows you to manage your connection status and perform tasks accordingly.

    Search Bar

    To find specific items within RoverX, follow these steps:

    1. Enter Search Criteria: Type your search terms into the Search field.

    2. Execute the Search: Press <Enter> on your keyboard or select the Search icon.

    3. View Search Results: The search results will be displayed in the tree view. Only items that match your search criteria, along with their parent folders, will be shown.
      Image Added

    4. Expand Folders: You may need to expand the folders in the tree view to see all relevant search results and their associated items.
      Image Added
    5. View Test Runs: Click on the packages to see the test runs returned in the search.

    Image Added

    User Settings

    User settings are accessible by selecting the Settings Image Added button at the bottom left-hand side of the screen. You can manage various settings as follows:

    1. Edit Enterprise Tester URL:

      • Modify the URL for your Enterprise Tester server if needed.
    2. Change Password:

      • Update your password if it has changed on the Enterprise Tester server.
    3. Delete All Data from Local Database:

      • Remove all data stored locally in RoverX. This action clears the local database.
    4. Access Log Files:

      • Navigate to the directory containing the log files for RoverX for troubleshooting purposes.

    Deleting All Data from Local Database

    Warning: This will delete any local test runs or incidents that have not been uploaded to the Enterprise Tester server.

    To Delete All Data from the Local Database:

    1. Initiate Deletion:

      • On the Login page, select the Delete All Data Image Addedbutton.
    2. Confirmation Message:

      • A confirmation message will be displayed:
        Image Added
      • Select Yes if you are sure you want to proceed.
    3. Completion Message:

      • Once the local database has been deleted, a message will be displayed:
        Image Added
    4. Restart RoverX:

      • Select the OK button. RoverX will restart automatically.
    5. Reconnect and Download:

      • Once RoverX has restarted, you will need to connect to the internet and go to Online mode to download Test Execution sets and associated incidents.

    This process ensures that you start with a clean slate, but be mindful to upload any pending data to the Enterprise Tester server before proceeding.

    Expanding and Collapsing the Right-Hand Panel

    The right-hand panel can be expanded and collapsed on any of the screens by selecting the expand Image Added/collapse Image Addedbutton at the top of the right-hand panel. This allows you to manage the workspace effectively by showing or hiding additional information as needed.

    Image Added

    Invoke Error 

    This error message appears when an action is attempted while another process is still running in the background.
    Please wait for the current process to complete before trying again.
    For example, this can happen when toggling quickly between Online and Offline mode.

    Click "OK" to close the error dialogue. This error does not impact the functionality of the RoverX application.

    Image Added

    Additional Error Message:

    You may encounter another similar error message.

    Click "OK" to close it. Like the Invoke Error, it does not affect the operation of the RoverX application.

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    Test Execution
    Execution Tests
    Execution Tests

    RoverX provides you with the ability to run tests from Enterprise Tester when you are on the go - working in remote locations, or in areas where internet connectivity is unreliable or unavailable.

    RoverX supports synchronizing both test runs and incidents with Enterprise Tester. This article covers synchronizing and running test runs.

    Although internet access is not required to run tests in RoverX, internet access is required when performing the following;

    • When downloading executions sets or individual test runs from Enterprise Tester server. Note: Any incidents that are associated to any of the test runs will be downloaded when the test run is downloaded.

    • When uploading test run results and new incidents to Enterprise Tester server.

    The Getting Started article provides an introduction to help users become familiarized with RoverX.

    Downloading Execution Sets to RoverX

    An internet connection is required for this task. Make sure you are in Online mode in RoverX.

    1. Ensure Online Mode: Verify that you are connected to Enterprise Tester and in Online mode in RoverX.

    2. Select a Project: Choose the desired project from the Project drop-down list.

    3. View Execution Sets: The navigator will display the execution set folders and their test runs (excluding agile runs) in the selected project, as listed in the Enterprise Tester.

    4. Download Execution Sets: Select the execution sets you want to download. The selected execution sets will be downloaded to RoverX for offline access.

    This process allows you to work with Execution Sets offline after downloading them from Enterprise Tester.

    Selecting a Project

    • Open the Project Dropdown: Click on the Project dropdown list to view the available projects. Projects are organized into categories, similar to how they are structured in Enterprise Tester.

    • View Accessible Projects: Users will only see projects that are defined in their user permissions on the Enterprise Tester server.

    • Select a Project: Choose the desired project from the dropdown list. You can change the project at any time by selecting a different project from the dropdown.

    • Review Execution Sets: Once you have selected a project, you can review and select the execution sets or individual test runs you wish to download from the Enterprise Tester server.

    Image Added

    Selecting execution sets 

    • Expand Folders: By default, the folders are collapsed. The black button Image Added indicates that the folder can be expanded and contains sub-folders. Select this button to expand the folder.

      Image Added
    • Folder Expansion Indicator: Once the folder can no longer be expanded, the button will change to the following icon Image Added.

    • Expand All Packages: To expand all packages within a folder, right-click on the top execution set or any folder you wish to expand all sub-folders within.

    Image Added

    To view test runs in RoverX, follow these steps:

    1. Expand the Folder:

      • Navigate to the folder where the test runs are located and expand it.
    2. Select the Folder:

      • Click on the folder to display the Test Run table.
    3. View Test Run Count:

      • The number of test runs in the folder is displayed in brackets next to the folder name.
    Image Added

    Execution sets and individual test runs that you have not yet downloaded to your device, or that have been changed since your last download, will display a download icon Image Added. This helps you identify which items need to be downloaded or updated.

    Download execution sets

    • Locate the Download Icon:

      • Find the download icon next to the folder or the individual script assignment you wish to download.
    • Download Specific Items:

      • Click on the download icon for the specific folder or individual script assignment to initiate the download.
    • Download All Items:

      • To download all execution sets and test runs, click on the download icon for the main Execution Sets folder.

    While downloading, a progress bar will be displayed to show the download status.

    Image Added

    Once you have downloaded the execution set or the test runs the download icon will change to Image Added.
    Image Added

    To download one or more test runs, select the folder where the test runs are located.
    Select the test runs you want to download.
    Image Added
    Select Download button. The selected test runs are downloaded.

    Image Added

    Test Run Details 

    When viewing test run details in RoverX, they are displayed on the right-hand side of the screen. The following columns are included in the test run details:

    Image Added

    • Downloaded  -  Indicates whether the test run has been downloaded to your local machine or is still stored on the Enterprise Tester server.
    • Assignment  The name or identifier of the test run.
    • Status Server - Displays the current status of the test run on the Enterprise Tester server.
    • Status Local -Shows the current status of the test run on your local machine.
    • Sync Status -  Tells you whether the test run has been recorded on the server or if it only exists locally. If the status is "local," the test run will be uploaded to Enterprise Tester
                              server during the next synchronisation.

    Viewing and Running Tests

    Once you have downloaded your test runs, you can click or tap on the test run in the table, depending on the device you are using, to view or execute your script.

    Displayed Fields

    When you view a test run, the following fields will be displayed on the screen. Note that if any fields are blank in Enterprise Tester, they will not appear in RoverX.

    • Script Description: A detailed description of the test script.
    • Script Objective: The goal or purpose of the test script.
    • Script Pre-Conditions: Any conditions that need to be met before executing the test script.
    • Script Post Conditions: Conditions expected after the test script has been executed.
    • Script Notes: Additional notes related to the test script.
    • Run History: The last two test executions will be shown for reference.

    Image AddedRun History

    You can choose to view any of the previous runs on the run history grid. The run history grid provides some basic details, including:

    • Run Number: The identifier for each test run.
    • Run By: Details of who executed the run.
    • Status: The status of each test run.
    • Sync Status: Indicates whether the run has been recorded on the server or if it only resides locally.
    • Incidents: Any incidents associated with the test run.

    Starting a New Run or Completing an Existing Run

    • Starting a New Run
      You can start a new test run if the latest test run has been completed on the server or locally. To do this, simply select the Create New Run button located to the left of the run history grid.
    • Completing an Existing Run
      If the latest test run is incomplete (marked as "Not Run" or "In Progress"), you can continue with that test run and complete it instead of starting a new one.

    Image Added

    When you load the Test Execution screen, you will see the test steps displayed in a list view. This screen provides the following details:

    • Run Number: The identifier for the current test run.
    • Number of Steps: The total number of steps in the test run (displayed in brackets).
    • Test Run Name: The name of the current test run.
    • Test Run Status: The current status of the test run.
    • Back Button: Allows you to navigate back to the previous screen.
    • Step Result Menu: Located at the bottom of the screen, for selecting the results of each test step.
    • Custom Field Icon: Appears if there are any custom fields associated with the test run.

    Image Added
    Viewing and updating Custom fields

    If your test run includes custom fields, you will see this button Image Added in the header. Clicking on this icon will close the Test Steps panel and display all the custom fields, allowing you to view and update them accordingly.

    Image Added

    You can then update any of the custom fields and select the Save button. A confirmation message will be displayed to confirm that the data has been saved successfully.
    Select OK button.
    Image Added

    To close the Custom Fields panel and return to the Test Steps, select the Image Added button.

    Just like in Enterprise Tester, the Test Execution screen includes a text field for entering Actual Results for each test step.

    While a step is active, you can select the Step Result option at the bottom of the screen to set the status for that specific step. Once you select a status for a test step, the screen will automatically move to the next step in the list.

    Hyperlinks and local paths can be added in the Actual Result field.

    Keyboard Shortcuts for Test Execution

    To enhance efficiency while working with test steps, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts:

    • Ctrl+P: Mark the current step as Passed.
    • Ctrl+F: Mark the current step as Failed.
    • Ctrl+B: Mark the current step as Blocked.
    • Ctrl+U: Mark the current step as Undetermined.

    These shortcuts allow you to quickly update the status of the current test step.

    Using Shortcut Keys to Set Step Status

    You can streamline your testing process by using shortcut keys to set statuses for multiple steps at once.

    For example, if you want to mark all steps in the test run as Passed:

    1. Press <CTRL+A> to select all steps.
    2. Then press <CTRL+P> to mark all selected test steps as Passed.

    This functionality allows you to quickly update the status of multiple steps without having to select each one individually.

    Copying and Pasting Text

    RoverX allows you to copy and paste text from external sources, such as Excel, directly into the Actual Result field. To do this:

    1. Copy the desired text from your source (e.g., Excel) using Ctrl+C.
    2. Navigate to the Expected Result field in Rover.
    3. Paste the copied text into the field by using Ctrl+V.

    This feature helps streamline the process of entering expected results by enabling quick transfers of text data.

    You can also copy the Expected Result to the Actual Result field. 

    Image Added  

    To do this open the Actual Result field and then select CTRL+V and it will paste it.
    Image Added

    Then click on the X button to close the Actual Result pop up  window. Note: Clicking the X button saves the changes to Actual Result field.

    Image Added

    Test Step and Test Run Statuses

    In RoverX, test step and test run statuses are consistent with those in Enterprise Tester.

    Status Representation

    • Icons and Color Coding: Statuses are represented by icons and the color of the test step row. Hover over an icon to view the detailed status.
    • Test Run Statuses: In addition to the statuses used for individual test steps, test runs have an additional status: In Progress.

    Overall Test Run Status

    The overall status of a test run is automatically determined based on the statuses of its individual test steps.

    Image Added Passed

    Image Added Failed

    Image Added Blocked

    Image Added Undetermined

    Image AddedIn Progress

    Image Added

    Adding Attachments to Test Steps

    You can attach one or more files to a test step by following these steps:

    1. Select the Attachment Button Image Added: Click the button located in the Attachment column of the test step.
    2. Manage Attachments Popup: This action will open the Manage Attachments popup, where you can upload and manage your attachments.
    3. Select Files: Click the Image Addedbutton within the popup to find and select your files. You can select multiple files at once.
    4. Upload and Display: The selected files will be uploaded, and their paths will be displayed in the popup.

    This feature allows you to include relevant files and documents with each test step for better documentation and reference.

    Image Added

    Managing Attachments

    If you scroll to the right within the Manage Attachments popup, you have the following options for each attachment:

    • View: Click to open and view the attached file.
    • Delete: Click to remove the attachment from the test step.

    These options allow you to easily manage the files associated with your test steps.

    Image Added
    Select the X button to return to the Test Run.
    Once you return to the Test Run screen, an icon will appear to indicate that there are attachments for the test step.
    Hover over the Image Addedicon to see the number of attachments associated with the test step.

    Image Added

    Clicking on the Image Added will open the Manage Attachments popup where you can view or delete existing attachments.



    RoverX is a tool that enhances the testing capabilities of Enterprise Tester, particularly useful for remote or offline environments. Here’s a summary of its key features and requirements:

    Key Features:

    • Offline Testing: Allows running tests without the need for internet connectivity, ideal for remote locations.
    • Synchronization: Supports synchronizing both script assignments and incidents with Enterprise Tester.
    • Creating Incidents: Incidents can be created during the testing process.

    Internet Connectivity Requirements:

    • Downloading Data: Internet access is required for downloading test executions, test runs, and associated incidents from the Enterprise Tester server.
    • Uploading Data: Internet access is also necessary for uploading test run results and new incidents to the Enterprise Tester server.


    RoverX does not currently support the following Enterprise Tester features:

    • Agile Runs: RoverX does not support agile runs, which are specific to agile methodologies and workflows.

    • Run Timer: The run timer feature, used to track the duration of test runs, is not available in RoverX.

    These limitations mean that certain features available in Enterprise Tester will not be accessible while using RoverX.

    The Getting Started article provides an introduction to help users become familiarized with RoverX.

    Managing Incidents

    In RoverX, you have the option to manage incidents by either creating new ones or linking them to existing downloaded incidents.

    1. Create New Incidents: You can create new incidents directly within RoverX if needed. This allows you to document and manage issues encountered during test runs.

    2. Link to Existing Incidents: Alternatively, you can link to an existing downloaded incident. This is useful for maintaining continuity and associating new issues with previously documented incidents.

    Create Incident

    To log an incident on a failed test step, follow these steps:

    1. Select the Incident Button: Click the Image Addedbutton in the Incident column for the test step that has failed.

    2. Access the Create Incident Screen: The Create Incident screen will be displayed.

    3. Default Summary: By default, the Test Script Name will automatically be populated in the Summary field. You can choose to keep this default summary or edit it as needed.

    4. Fill Out Required Fields: All fields that are present in Enterprise Tester will be visible on the Create Incident screen. If a field is mandatory in Enterprise Tester, it will also be required in RoverX.Image Added

    5. Save the Incident: Once you have completed entering the details, click the Save button. The Create Incident screen will close, and you will be returned to your test run.

    6. Incident Icon: A bug icon will now be added to the test step, indicating that an incident has been created for this step.Image Added

    When creating an incident, you have the option to link it to an external Jira system, provided that integration has been configured in Enterprise Tester for your project.

    1. Select External Jira System Link: If your project has been configured with external Jira system links in Enterprise Tester, you can select the appropriate link from the Synchronize To: dropdown list.

    2. Automatic Selection: By default, the first external Jira system link configured in Enterprise Tester will be selected. If there are multiple Jira system links, choose the one that is appropriate for your needs.

    3. Sync with Jira: Once selected, the incident will be synchronized with your external Jira system when the incident is uploaded to Enterprise Tester.

    4. No Jira Integration: If Jira integration is not set up with Enterprise Tester, there will be no options available for the Synchronize To: field.

    This allows you to ensure that incidents are properly linked and synchronized with your external Jira system if configured.

    Image Added

    The following are drop down lists and can be changed. The values in the fields are from the Project in Enterprise Tester.


    Image Added


    Image Added


    Image Added

    By default the Resolution field is blank. But you may if change this if you need to.

    Image Added

    Assigned To: 
    Only Active users in Enterprise Tester are displayed. If the Assigned To field is mandatory it will default to the user that is logged in.

    Image Added

    Note: If there is nothing in the Assign To: field , this usually means you have not synced the users from Enterprise Tester to Rover.
    To do this, make sure you are connected to the Internet, select Online mode and click on the Login button. This will download all active users from Enterprise Tester.

    Description field
    The Description field will  be populated with the same data that is created in Enterprise Tester when you create an incident from a test step.

    In Enterprise Tester:

    Image Added

    In Rover:

    Image Added

    Editing an Incident:

    You can edit an incident while it is still local (i.e., has not been synchronized to Enterprise Tester).

    1. Open the Incidents Pop-up: Click the Image Addedbutton to display the Incidents pop-up. This pop-up shows all incidents linked to the selected test step.

    2. View Incidents: The Incidents pop-up will display all incidents associated with the selected test step.Image Added

    3. Edit an Existing Incident: To modify an existing incident, select the incident from the list and make the necessary changes.

    4. Create a New Incident: If needed, you can also create a new incident from the Incidents pop-up.

    5. Save Changes: After editing or creating incidents, ensure to save your changes to update the local data.

    Linking Incidents to a Test Step

    You can view all linked incidents, link additional incidents, or create a new incident. Here’s how to manage incident links:

    1. Select the Incident Button: Click the Image Addedbutton in the Incident column for the test step that has failed.

    2. Access the Create Incident Screen: The Create Incident screen will be displayed.

    3. Open Link/Unlink Incidents Screen: Click on the Link/Unlink Incidents link at the top left of the Create Incident screen.
      Image Added
    4. View Link/Unlink Incidents Screen: The Link/Unlink Incidents screen will be displayed with the following elements:

      • Step Description: Shows details about the current test step.
      • Search Bar: Allows you to search for incidents.
      • Back Button: Navigate back to the previous screen.
      • Linked Incidents: Lists all incidents already associated with the test step.
      • All Incidents: Displays all local incidents that can be linked.
      • Link Button: Link incidents to the step by selecting this button.
      • Unlink Button: Remove incidents from the step by selecting this button.
        Image Added
    5. Filter Incidents: To filter existing incidents, start typing in the Summary field. The list of incidents will automatically update to show only those that match the text you have entered.
      Image Added

    6. Link Incidents: To add incidents to the test step, select the Link button next to the desired incident in the All Incidents section.

    7. Unlink Incidents: To remove incidents from the test step, select the Unlink button next to the incident in the Linked Incidents section.

    Returning to the Test Execution Screen

    To return to the Test Execution screen after managing incidents:

    1. Navigate Back: Click the Back button to return to the Create Incident screen.

    2. Return to Test Execution: Click the Back button again to navigate back to the Test Execution screen.

    This process ensures that you exit the incident management screens and return to your test run view.

    Synchronizing Runs and Incidents

    Once you have completed your testing, you can synchronize your runs and incidents back to Enterprise Tester. For detailed instructions on how to perform synchronization, please refer to the Synchronization article.

    Ctrl+U  - marks the current step as undetermined

    Rover allows copying and pasting text from another source i.e. Excel and pasting it into the Expected Result field (by using CTRL+V).

    You can also copy all of the Test Step details and paste them into the Expected Results field.
    Select the Copy Text button and use CTRL+V to paste.

    Image Removed

    Hyperlinks and local paths can be added in the Actual Result field.

    Depending on the status for the step you'll notice that a status icon will be added to the step and the step background will be shaded. You'll also notice that the bottom status menu highlights the status of the current step.  In the image below, Step 2 is highlighted and the status is Failed.  You'll also notice that the status bar is color coded according to the status of each step. This makes it easy to see the status of each step at a glance.

    Image Removed


    Image Removed


    Image Removed


    Image Removed


    Image Removed

    Failing a Step and logging an Incident

    To log an incident on a Failed step, click or tap on the Incidents button under the Actual Results field on the step to open the Create Link screen.

    The Create Link screen will display:

    • Any incidents that are already linked to the step
    • An area for creating a new incident, or linking to an existing incident that was either downloaded from Enterprise Tester or was previously created.
    • The Test Script Name will automatically be populated in the Summary field.

    Image Removed

    You can either edit the Summary field (Bug Name) or leave it as the default name.
    As you type a name, you'll also see the list of existing incidents narrow down. Select the Link button on one of these if you'd prefer to link to an existing incident instead of creating a new one. For more information on linking incidents, see Rover.

    Image Removed

    Select the Create Incident button to open the Incident Create screen. Complete the fields and select Save to create a new incident and link it to the step.

    Image Removed

    Once you have selected Save the window will close and you will be returned to your run. 
    Once you have completed the run, the icon in the tree for the script assignment should now show
    Image Removed which indicates that the script assignment has local changes which have not yet been uploaded to the server. See Synchronization to find out how to upload these changes back to the server.


    Rover does not currently support the following Enterprise Tester features:

    • agile runs
    • run timer

    Rover provides you with the ability to run tests from Enterprise Tester when you are on the go - working in remote locations, or in areas where internet connectivity is unreliable or unavailable.

    Rover supports synchronizing both script assignments and incidents with Enterprise Tester. This article covers selecting incidents to synchronize and creating incidents during testing.

    Although internet access is not required to run tests in Rover, internet access is required:

    • When downloading script assignments and incidents from the ET server.
    • When uploading test run results, new incidents and new comments on existing incidents to the ET server.

    The Getting Started article provides an introduction to help users become familiarized with Rover.

    Copying Incidents from ET to Rover

    An internet connection is required for this task.

    After logging into Rover, the navigator will display the execution set folders in the first project listed in the Enterprise Tester navigator.

    In Enterprise Tester:

    Image Removed

    In Rover, the execution set icon is highlighted in green and the default project is displayed.

    You can change the project by selecting from the drop down list. Projects are organised into categories, just like in ET. Users will only be able to see projects that are defined in their user permissions on the ET server.

    Image Removed

    Once the project is selected, you can then review and select the execution sets and the incidents you wish to download from the ET server.

    On the left select the tab with the bug icon to view all incidents in a project:

    Image Removed

    Incidents that have not yet been downloaded (or have been changed since you last downloaded) to your device will display the download icon:

    Image Removed

    You can also select all by clicking or tapping on the Incidents folder at the top of the list:

     Image Removed

    You'll also notice that once a incident has been downloaded from the server to the client machine/device the script assignment icon will change from:

    Image Removed-White left corner with a green dot  - this icon denotes that the script assignment is on the serve and has not been downloaded.


    Image Removed- Solid orange square - this icon denotes that the script assignment has been downloaded, and has not yet altered on the client machine/device.

    You can view a list of all icons on the Entity Icon section of the Getting Started article.

    The Incident can be viewed and updated by clicking on the incident in the list. 

    Managing Incidents 

    When running a test you can log an incident straight from the failed step ( see the Execution Sets article for more information of running test) by clicking on the Incidents button.

    Image Removed

    The incidents screen will display any incidents that are already linked to the script assignment on the same step and an area from creating a new incident or linking to an incident that was downloaded from the ET server or was previously created. You can also create a new incident that will automatically be linked to the step.

    Linking Incidents to the Script Step

    From the Step Incident screen, you can view all linked incidents, link additional incidents or create a new incident.

    Image Removed

    Incidents linked to the step can be added by clicking or tapping on the Link button associated with an existing incident. All incidents that are already associated with the step are listed in the Linked Incidents section. These can be disassociated from the step by clicking or tapping on the Unlink button.

    Image Removed

    You can filter the existing incidents by starting to type in the Summary field.  This will automatically filter all incidents that match the text you have entered

    Image Removed

    Creating an Incident

    Incidents are easily created by adding a summary in the text field under Create Link and then clicking or tapping on Create Incident.

    Image Removed

    The Incident Create screen will appear where you can all of your details including all the fields that have been configured in ET, attachments and comments. You can also select the External System Link ( Defect Tracker Project Link e.g. JIRA or TFS projects) that have been pre-configured in ET for your project. If you select a external link, the incident will be synchronized with your external system ( JIRA or TFS) when the incident is uploaded to the ET Server.

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    When you have finished entering your details, click or tap on Save. You will be returned to the Step Incident screen and your newly created incident will appear in the Linked Incidents section.  

    Image Removed

    You can now either close the screen to return to your run or log another incident.

    Once you have completed your testing, you can synchronize your runs and incident back to the ET Server. The Synchronization article provides details on how to complete this task.

    Rover provides a convenient way to copy your Execution Sets and Incidents to your client machine or device to enable offline testing.

    To synchronize your Execution Sets and Incidents you will need an internet connection or be able to access your ET Server if your ET site is not accessible through the internet.  This may mean that you need to be connected to your office network for the download and upload processes.

    Downloading Entities

    Downloads are performed on the entity (Execution Sets and Incidents)  screen. If you are planning to download both script assignments and incidents, then you will need to navigate to each tab and and select the entities you wish to download to your local machine or device.

    In Rover, you can select the drop down next to the project name to display all available projects (this depends on your permission settings on the ET Server).

    Image Removed

    Once the project is selected, select the tab for the entity you wish to download. The green play tab represents Execution Sets/Test Runs and the orange bug tab represents Incidents.

    Execution Sets/Test Runs

    Image Removed


    Image Removed

    To download entities, click on the download icon next to the folder or the individual entity you wish to select.  

    Image Removed

    You can also select all folders and entities for download but clicking on the top level folder.

    Image Removed

    Once you have downloaded your entities, the download icon will disappear.

    Image Removed

    Uploading Entities to the ET Server

    Once you have completed your testing, you can upload your runs and incidents back to the ET server by navigating to the Sync tab.

    Image Removed

    The Sync Dashboard will provide you with a list of all entities, both script assignments and incidents, that have been downloaded from the ET Server or created locally across all projects.  you can easily select the entities you wish to sync back to the ET Server.  

    Image Removed

    You can select the top level folder to select all entities under the folder or select  the Hide Synced option to only show entities that have changed since the last synchronization and select only those entities.

    Image Removed

    You may notice a yellow warning icon appears when you you have selected some of the script assignments.  This warning indicates that the run may not be complete. If you proceed with the sync, the run will automatically completed and you will not be able to resume the run.  You may wish to deselect these entities before proceeding.

    Image Removed

    When you are ready to sync, select Sync Selected. This will initiate synchronization with the ET server. Once you have completed your synchronization only failed and entities that were deselected from the sync will be shown.

    If a failed icon appears, hover the mouse or press & hold your finger on the icon to view the message.  In some cases, you may need to try re-syncing.  If you receive the error: "This item has been deleted from the server and cannot be synchronized, it can only be purged", then this means that the script assignment in the execution set in your ET project has been deleted and Rover cannot map this entity back to the server. The only option is to delete the entity. Before you delete the entity you can review it for data that you don't wish to lose.

    Image Removed

    Once you have completed synchronizing your results, you may wish to clean up your local database by deleting the entities stored locally.  You can do this by again selecting the entities and then clicking or tapping the Purge Selected button.

    Notes on Synchronization

    Synchronization requires matching the Enterprise Tester ID for each entity to successfully synchronize between Rover ensure successful sync between RoverX and the Enterprise Tester server. Some changes Changes made to the Enterprise Tester server between downloading to Rover RoverX and uploading results and updates from Rover back to Enterprise Tester may cause synchronization issues. Below Here are some common causes of synchronization failure:

    Causes of Synchronization Failure:

    1. Deletions on the Enterprise Tester

    server - If script assignments are deleted from Enterprise Tester server , any runs or updates that have been created will not sync back to ET even if you re-create the script assignment. Rover uses the Enterprise Tester ID to map entities back to the Enterprise Tester server, on deletion this ID will no longer exist and therefore cannot be 
    1. Server:

      • Deleted script assignments prevent runs or updates from syncing back to Enterprise Tester, even if the script assignment is recreated.
      • RoverX uses Enterprise Tester IDs for mapping. Deletions remove these IDs, making synchronization impossible.
    2. Baseline Restores in Enterprise Tester:

      • Avoid baseline restores if using RoverX.
      • Restores revert the
    Baseline restores in Enterprise Tester - Baselines restores in Enterprise Tester should not be performed if you are also executing tests using Rover. Although a baseline restore does restore a
      • project to a previous state,
      • altering IDs
    are not the same and will be replaced
      • and replacing them with new
      • ones.
      • Entities will not
    be able to synchronize back to Enterprise Tester
      • sync if a baseline restore
    is performed
      • occurs between downloading and uploading.
    1. Custom Field Configuration:

      • Changes to custom fields, such as making fields mandatory or adding new mandatory fields, can cause synchronization failure.
      • If you have made these changes in Enterprise Tester you need to select the Refresh Image Added button to download the changes to RoverX.

    Additional Notes:

    • If you lose internet or VPN connection during synchronization, it will resume from where it left off once you are back online.
    • Failed uploads will be displayed in a table similar to the Incomplete Test Runs.
    • Test runs with a status of "Not Run" will only sync back to Enterprise Tester if they have an associated incident or attachment
    • the download and upload of entities. Caution should be taken when considering a baseline restore.Custom field configuration - If custom fields are made mandatory or new custom mandatory fields are created and scoped to your project in between the synchronization of entities with Rover, this will cause the synchronization to fail as the mandatory requirements for saving have not been met. In this case, you will need to make the field not mandatory and initiate your synchronization
    • .

    Troubleshooting Synchronization

    If you are having trouble diagnosing the cause of your synchronization failure, please send a copy of your Rover log file for the day the sync failed to the the Catch Support Team.
    The Log files can be found with your Rover installation files.e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\ET+Rover+1.0.000\Log. by clicking on the folder icon on the Login screen.
    Please also note the time of the failure.

    Image Added



    RoverX provides a convenient way to copy your Execution Sets and Incidents to your client machine or device, enabling offline testing. When you are reconnected, you can upload your test runs and incidents back to Enterprise Tester.

    To synchronize your Execution Sets and Incidents:

    1. Ensure Connectivity: You will need an internet connection or access to Enterprise Tester, which may require being connected to your office network. This connectivity is necessary for both the download and upload processes.

    2. Download Execution Sets and Incidents: When connected, download the necessary Execution Sets and Incidents to your local machine for offline use.

    3. Upload Changes: Once you have completed your testing, you can synchronize (upload) your Execution Sets and Incidents back to Enterprise Tester.

    Uploading Entities to Enterprise Tester

    Once you have completed your testing, you can upload your runs and incidents back to Enterprise Tester by navigating to the Sync Dashboard.

    To Upload Your Runs and Incidents:

    1. Access the Sync Dashboard:

      • Navigate to the Sync tab. Note that the Sync Dashboard can only be accessed when you are in Online mode and connected to the Enterprise Tester server.
    2. Start Synchronization:

      • Clicking on the Sync Dashboard will automatically initiate the synchronization process, uploading your runs and incidents to Enterprise Tester.

    Sync Dashboard at a Glance

    The Sync Dashboard provides a comprehensive view of the synchronization status, allowing you to monitor upload progress and ensure successful data transfer.

    Image Added

    • Progress Bar: Displays the sync progress.
    • Runs to be Synced: Number of test runs to be synced, grouped by status.
    • Runs Synced: Number of successfully synced test runs (highlighted in green).
    • Runs Failed to Sync: Number of test runs that failed to sync (highlighted in red).
    • Incidents to be Synced: Number of incidents per test run status to be synced.
    • Incidents Synced: Number of successfully synced incidents (highlighted in green).
    • Incidents Failed to Sync: Number of incidents that failed to sync (highlighted in red).
    • Attachments to be Synced: Number of attachments to be synced, grouped by test run status.
    • Attachments Synced: Number of successfully synced attachments (highlighted in green).
    • Attachments Failed to Sync: Number of attachments that failed to sync (highlighted in red).
    • Incidents to be Linked: Number of incident links to be synced.
    • Incidents Linked: Number of successfully synced incident links (highlighted in green).
    • Incidents Failed to Link: Number of incident links that failed to sync (highlighted in red).

    Synchronization Process for Completed Test Runs
    Synchronization Process for Completed Test Runs
    Synchronization Process for Completed Test Runs

    To ensure smooth and accurate synchronization to Enterprise Tester,  the synchronization process is as follows:

    1.Upload Completed Test Runs:

    • Completed test runs are uploaded first.
    • Test runs marked "In Progress" or "Not Run" will be uploaded later when selected by the user.

    Image Added

    2. Upload Incidents Associated with Test Runs:

    • After test runs are uploaded, associated incidents are uploaded.
    • The dashboard displays both incidents to be synced and incidents that have been synced.

    Image Added

    3. Upload Attachments:

    • Attachments related to test steps and incidents are uploaded next.
      Image Added

    4. Link Incidents to Test Runs:

    • Finally, incidents are linked to their corresponding test runs to complete the synchronization process.

    Process for Incomplete Runs

    After all completed test runs, attachments, and incidents are uploaded:

    1. Notification and Review:

      • A button will blink on the screen.
      • A table will display test runs that are "In Progress" or "Not Run."
        Image Added
    2. Decision:

      • Review the incomplete test runs.
      • Decide whether to upload them or return to Test Execution Image Added to complete them.
    3. Upload Incomplete Test Runs:

      • If you choose to upload, they will sync to Enterprise Tester with the same status.
      • To upload, simply select the Image Addedbutton. The sync process will follow the same order as the Synchronization Process for Completed Test Runs. Once the upload is completed, the table will disappear.

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