When installing Enterprise Tester on a Window 7 Operating System, some additional configurations for IIS and the application pool may be required. For 32 bit operating systems, Enterprise Tester will automatically install a SQL Server Express database. For 64 bit operating systems, users will need to install their SQL Server Express database. This mini-guide outlines the settings to check and how to install your database (if required).
Review and Configure Window Features
- Go to Control Panel>Programs> Turn Windows Features On and Off.
- Expand Internet Information Services.
- Under Web Management Tools, check that IIS 6 Management Compatibility and IIS Management Console are selected
- Under World Wide Web Services, ensure that .Net Extensibility, Asp.Net are selected.
- Under Common HTTP Features, ensure that Default Document, Directory Browsing, HTTP Errors, HTTP Redirection and Static Content are selected. Ensure that WebDAV Publishing is not selected (this is a common cause of 504 errors).
- Under Security Ensure that Basic Authentication and Windows Authentication are selected.
- Under Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5.1 check that you have selected Windows Communication Foundation HTTP Activation.
- Now navigate to Control Panel> Systems and Security>Administrative Tools>IIS Manager> Application pools.
- Right click on the DefaultAppPool, and select "Advanced Settings." A Dialog will appear with settings for the application pool, scroll down until you find the Setting for "Identity", if it is not "Network Service" you will need to update the value to be "Network Service".
If you are installing to a 64 bit operating system, and you intend to integrate Enterprise Tester with SparxSystems Enterprise Architect, and wish to be able to import data from Enterprise Architect EAP files – then you will also need to enable support for 32bit applications in the application pool.
Once the above steps are complete you are ready to install Enterprise Tester. See Application Installation for more details.