There are 3 options for installing Enterprise Tester:
- With and SQL Server Express Database ( User Attached Instance)
- With a production database
- Manual installation (zip file installation)
Installation Steps Using the SQL Express Database (2008)
Before Installing Enterprise Tester
- Install the .Net Framework 4 on the server.
- IIS 6 or 7 must be installed on the server.
For trial customer and customers with small installations, Enterprise Tester provides a set of installation files which will install a SQL Server Express database.
Download Enterprise Tester from . Select the EnterpriseTester-X.X.XXXX-Sql-Bundle-Setup file and run the .exe file.
Ensure the pre-requisites have already been installed and the various components configured, you can then download and install the Enterprise Tester application.
- Click on the download button and save the file.
- Open the zip file and double click on EnterpriseTester-X.X.XXXX-Sql-Bundle-Setup file and run the .exe file.
- Select ‘Next’ from the 1st screen displayed.
- Accept the terms of the license and click ‘Next’.
- Select the installation directory and click ‘Next’.
- Then select ‘Install’.
- Click ‘Finish’ to close the installer.
SQL Server Express Database is limited to a maximum database size of 10gb, and limited to up to 1gb of memory to be used by SQL Server and up to 1 CPU.
For larger installations such as 30 user and greater, we recommend SQL Server 2008 R2 Database.
Installation Steps Using Another Database Server
From V4.6, a new install file for Enterprise Tester is available if you are planning to configure your own production database on another server. Download the Enterprise Tester installation Files labelled "" Before attempting to install Enterprise Tester for use with another database ensure that you follow the steps below.
Before Installing Enterprise Tester
- Install the .Net Framework 4 on the server.
- IIS 6 or 7 must be installed on the server.
- Create an empty database on your SQL server.
- Ensure that the user you intend Enterprise Tester to use when accessing the database has been given correct permissions to create and remove tables, columns, indexes, constraints etc.
Installing Enterprise Tester Using the Standard Setup
The following steps must be completed before you access the Enterprise Tester:
- This set of installation files do not install a database. Run the .exe file to initiate the installation of all the require files ( the .exe file may elevate permission levels so that all components can be installed).
- Open the web.config file in notepad or a similar text editor.
By default this file is located:
c:\Program Files\Catch Limited\Enterprise Tester\Web\web.config
- Locate the following section in the web config: <connectionStrings>. Change the connection string to point to the server that contains the database Enterprise Tester will use. See Section Example Connection String section below.
- Save the web.config file.
- For Windows 7 & Windows Server 2008 R2 Installations see the next section.
- Access the Enterprise Tester site via Start -> All Programs -> Enterprise Tester -> Enterprise Tester.
There will be a small delay as the application creates all the tables in the target database, before starting the First-Use Wizard which will guide you through adding a new organization, license etc. Once this has completed, you can access Enterprise Tester and complete the initial setup. If an error occurs upon starting due to an incorrect connection string, if you edit the web.config file it should then trigger the application to start again. Once restarted, refresh the page for the Enterprise Tester website, and have it attempt to create all the tables again. If the error occurred for another reason i.e. insufficient permissions, you will need to restart IIS / the default website, so you can attempt to run the installation process again.
Example Connection String
The following shows a typical connection string for MS SQL server. If you want to configure Enterprise Tester to use a database called "EnterpriseTesterProd" on the SQL server with the host name "SQLCORP01", using the SQL login "etapp", and password "pas$w0rD1" you would use the following connection string ( without the line breaks):
<connectionStrings> <add name="Default" connectionString="Data Source=SQLCORP01; Initial Catalog=EnterpriseTesterProd;MultipleActiveResultSets=true; User Id=etapp; Password=pas$w0rD1;"/> </connectionStrings>
For further detail on SQL server connections string you can refer to:
Database Configuration
To change which database is being targeted, the web.config file must be edited, and at a minimum there are 3 options which must be changed to support each database - as per the table below:
Database Type | Migrator Provider | NHibernate Driver | NHibernate Dialect |
MySQL | Migrator.Providers.Mysql.MysqlDialect | NHibernate.Driver.MySqlDataDriver | EnterpriseTester.Core.Dialects.MySqlDialectEx, EnterpriseTester.Core |
Oracle 10g/11g | Migrator.Providers.Oracle.OracleDialect | NHibernate.Driver.OracleDataClientDriver | NHibernate.Dialect.Oracle10gDialect |
PostgreSQL | Migrator.Providers.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQL82Dialect | NHibernate.Driver.NpgsqlDriver | NHibernate.Dialect.PostgreSQL82Dialect |
SQLServer 2005 (and above) | Migrator.Providers.SqlServer.SqlServer2005Dialect | NHibernate.Driver.SqlClientDriver | EnterpriseTester.Core.Dialects.MsSql2005DialectEx, EnterpriseTester.Core |
SQLServer Express 2005 (and above) | Migrator.Providers.SqlServer.SqlServer2005Dialect | NHibernate.Driver.SqlClientDriver | EnterpriseTester.Core.Dialects.MsSql2005DialectEx, EnterpriseTester.Core |
Each database also uses a slightly different connection string format - the website provides useful details of each connection string format.
Database Product | Example Connection String |
Oracle | User ID=SYSTEM;Password=password;Data Source= |
PostgreSQL * |;Port=5432;Database=etest;User Id=postgres;Password=Password123;Timeout=60;CommandTimeout=120; |
SQL Server Express (user-attached database) | Data Source=.\SQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=C:\Program Files (x86)\Catch Limited\Enterprise Tests\Data\EnterpriseTester.mdf;Initial Catalog=EnterpriseTester;Trusted_Connection=Yes; |
SQL Server (Integrated Security) | Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=EnterpriseTester;Integrated Security=True; |
SQL Server (SQL username/password) | Data Source=dbserver;Initial Catalog=EnterpriseTester;User Id=etuser;Password=etpass; |
Configuring Enterprise Tester to use a PostgreSQL database
Before beginning, make sure you have a version of PostgreSQL that supports a column type of "uuid" (normally version 8.3 and later) as this is required by Enterprise Tester.
Oracle Database Configuration Notes when using Windows Server 2008r2
Enterprise Tester no longer ships with Oracle drivers. To use Enterprise Tester with an Oracle database you must download and install the Oracle ODP.Net drivers from the Oracle website (part of ODAC). You can install either 32bit:
Or 64bit:
We suggest using the XCopy deployment release.
Once the XCopy release is downloaded, you can unzip the xcopy file into a folder, then run the following command:
install.bat odp.net2 c:\oracle odac
Which will install the ODP.Net drivers into the GAC (Global Assembly Cache)
(see the readme.txt in the root of the ODAC xcopy zip file for further details).
At this point you will be able to configure Enterprise Tester to connect to an Oracle database.
Oracle Drivers are specific to 32bit and 64bit operating systems. You need to ensure that Enterprise Tester's application pool is configured with an identical setting.
To confirm this:
* Go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
* On the left hand side select Application Pools.
* Click on the Application Pool being used by Enterprise Tester (this will normally be "DefaultAppPool" or
* Select on the right-hand side "Actions" panel "Advanced Settings...".
If you have installed the 32bit Oracle drivers, you must have "Enable 32-Bit Applications" set to True on the advanced settings screen of the application pool.
If you have installed the 64bit Oracle drivers, you must have "Enable 32-Bit Applications" set to False on the advanced settings screen of the application pool.