This command only processes the entities specified in the 'selections' parameter

action.UserIdId of the user to assign the selections to
commandNameMust be set to value 'BulkAssign'
projectIdId of the the project the action applies to (used by some actions to determine the custom fields & permissions required to complete the action)
selectionsArray of ID/Type objects i.e. [{"Id":"0a02cb6d-4afa-463c-a6df-9fe400b7d8fc","Type":"TestScript"}, {"Id":"0a675d09-78cd-463e-a600-9fc80153481b","Type":"AgileRun"}] which the bulk action will operate on
targetPackageIdId of the target package (if any, normally same as the targetId)


  • AssignBulkActionScenario

Scenario "AssignBulkActionScenario"

Supported Types: Requirement, Incident, Script, AutomatedTest, ScriptAssignment, AutomatedTestAssignment, AgileRun

This scenario has scenario-specific parameters:

scenarioNameMust be set to value 'AssignBulkActionScenario'
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