Bulk actions are a common extension point within Enterprise Tester, exposed as features of the grid (normally a button, or selection field and button combination).
Bulk actions can be invoked asynchronously by issuing a POST request to the backgroundtasks collection resource, with the configuration information including the command being invoked passed in the Parameters collection, as show in the example below:
{ "Type": "bulkaction", "Parameters": { "commandName": "BulkCopy", "scenarioName": "BulkCopyScriptsScenario", "targetId": "ab1bd3c3-f30b-43b2-82e2-a07e0133511c", "targetType": "TestScriptPackage", "targetPackageId": "ab1bd3c3-f30b-43b2-82e2-a07e0133511c", "sourcePackageId": "4016f35b-817f-459e-8533-9fc8015335c8", "projectId": "c651ed19-5375-475a-a539-9f6401467130", "selections":[ {"Id":"0a02cb6d-4afa-463c-a6df-9fe400b7d8fc","Type":"TestScript"}, {"Id":"0a675d09-78cd-463e-a600-9fc80153481b","Type":"TestScript"} ], "retainStructure":true } }
If we pull apart the above request we can see that we are:
- Invoking the command "BulkCopy".
- Invoking the command scenario "BulkCopyScriptsScenario" - many commands have more then one associated scenario, and you must use the scenario applicable to your source and target package type, and the type of items you have selected.
- For move and copy operations there needs to be a target and source package (targetPackageId and sourcePackageId) - the source package is used as the "Root" of the bulk copy/move operation so that retain structure can calculate what folders are required.
- In the above example, our targetType and targetId is the same as the targetPackage.
- The selected items to copy "selections" - each selection features an Id and a Type (any type which is supported in TQL as a valid EntityType alias will work here i.e. Script and TestScript will both be treated as a TestScript entity type).
- "retainStructure" - which is a parameter specific to bulk/copy move to retain the packages related to the sourcePackage when copying to the targetPackage.
Available commands
- Bulk Assign (AssignBulkActionScenario)
- Bulk Copy (BulkCopyAssignmentsScenario, BulkCopyRequirementsScenario, BulkCopyScriptsScenario)
- Bulk Create Assignments (BulkCreateScriptAssignmentsScenario)
- Bulk Create Scripts (BulkCreateScriptsScenario)
- Bulk Create Scripts From Agile Runs (BulkCreateScriptsFromAgileRunsScenario)
- Bulk Move (BulkMoveAssignmentsScenario, BulkMoveRequirementsScenario, BulkMoveScriptsScenario)
- Export (CSV)
- Traceability (CSV)
- Update Script Statuses (UpdateScriptStatusBulkActionScenario)
CSV Export command
The CSV Export command is an example of an action which has a payload (an exported file) which you can download after completing the action - first, here is an example of a CSV export task being created:
{ "Type": "bulkaction", "Parameters": { "scenarioName": "CSV", "encoding": "UTF8", "delimiter": "comma", "onlyVisibleColumns": false, "includeHeader": true, "includeSteps": true, "includeStepsResults": true, "query": "Name ~ export", "exportAll": true, "commandName": "Export" } }
As a result of creating this task, the response will indicate where the task updates can be fetched from via GET using the "Self" URL:
{ "Complete": false, "TotalElements": 0, "ProcessedElements": 0, "StartedAt": "2012-07-03T12:16:30Z", "ProgressInPercent": 0.0, "Id": "bulkaction_Export_CSV_56065c63-cdf7-4285-ab10-321646317be8", "Message": null, "Self": "http://localhost:29840/api/backgroundtask/bulkaction_Export_CSV_56065c63-cdf7-4285-ab10-321646317be8" }
When the task has completed, fetching the task will include in it's response details of the where you can then download the exported file from (indicated in the "exportedfile" link).
{ "Complete": true, "StartedAt": "2012-07-03T12:16:30Z", "FinishedAt": "2012-07-03T12:16:30Z", "ProgressInPercent": 1.0, "Id": "bulkaction_Export_CSV_56065c63-cdf7-4285-ab10-321646317be8", "Message": "Completed", "TotalTimeToExecute": "0s", "FileName": "export-Entities-2012-07-04-121630am.csv", "ContentType": "text/csv", "Encoding": "UTF8", "Self": "http://localhost:29840/api/backgroundtask/bulkaction_Export_CSV_56065c63-cdf7-4285-ab10-321646317be8", "Links": [ { "Href": "http://localhost:29840/api/exportfile/export-Entities-2012-07-04-121630am.csv", "Rel": "exportedfile" } ] }