Resource: Automated Test Runs ( /api/automatedtestruns )

Automated Test Runs collection resource.

Root Relation: AutomatedTestRuns



Retrieves all (or a subset) of automated test runs that are visible to the user.

This method supports the TQL query parameters tql, $top, $take and $inlinecount. See TQL Topic for more details.

Required Permissions

  • TestManagement/View

Supported Expansions

For more details on expansions, please see the Expand help topic.

Status Codes

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if the request was completed successfully.
403 - ForbiddenReturned if ET would not complete request (normally due to a validation failure or you don't have the necessary permissions to complete the request).

Example - GET (filtered by TQL Query)

Retrieves automated test runs matching a TQL query.

Request Headers


Request Parameters

tqlStatus = PassedThe TQL query to execute.
$top5The maximum number of results to return (defaults to 25).
$skip0The number of results to skip before return the $top number of results matching the query.

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "Skip": 0,
  "Top": 5,
  "Total": 1,
  "Items": [
      "RunByDisplayName": "joeb",
      "RunBy": "joeb",
      "RunById": "191375f2-ae6e-4b52-8bed-4192e34b6486",
      "AssignmentId": "979ce5f8-efb7-432d-8848-c9cdf3151977",
      "Id": "02cbe373-a042-4f7b-8ba3-e03b1588dbfa",
      "Status": "Passed",
      "ImportedAt": "2013-01-16T16:15:00Z",
      "StartedAt": "2013-01-16T15:05:06Z",
      "FinishedAt": "2013-01-15T16:00:00Z",
      "Expands": [
      "Self": "http://localhost/api/automatedtestrun/02cbe373-a042-4f7b-8ba3-e03b1588dbfa"
  "Self": "http://localhost/api/api/automatedtestruns?tql=Status=Passed&$top=5&$skip=0"

Status Code

200 - OK

Example - GET (no filter)

Retrieves all automated test runs

Request Headers


Request Parameters

$top5The maximum number of results to return (defaults to 25).
$skip0The number of results to skip before return the $top number of results matching the query.

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "Skip": 0,
  "Top": 5,
  "Total": 2,
  "Items": [
      "RunByDisplayName": "joeb",
      "RunBy": "joeb",
      "RunById": "191375f2-ae6e-4b52-8bed-4192e34b6486",
      "AssignmentId": "979ce5f8-efb7-432d-8848-c9cdf3151977",
      "Id": "02cbe373-a042-4f7b-8ba3-e03b1588dbfa",
      "Status": "Passed",
      "ImportedAt": "2013-01-16T16:15:00Z",
      "StartedAt": "2013-01-16T15:05:06Z",
      "FinishedAt": "2013-01-15T16:00:00Z",
      "Expands": [
      "Self": "http://localhost/api/automatedtestrun/02cbe373-a042-4f7b-8ba3-e03b1588dbfa"
      "RunByDisplayName": "joeb",
      "RunBy": "joeb",
      "RunById": "191375f2-ae6e-4b52-8bed-4192e34b6486",
      "AssignmentId": "979ce5f8-efb7-432d-8848-c9cdf3151977",
      "Id": "02cbe373-a042-4f7b-8ba3-e03b1588dbfa",
      "Status": "Failed",
      "ImportedAt": "2013-01-17T16:15:00Z",
      "StartedAt": "2013-01-17T15:05:06Z",
      "FinishedAt": "2013-01-17T16:06:00Z",
      "Expands": [
      "Self": "http://localhost/api/automatedtestrun/02cbe373-a042-4f7b-8ba3-e03b1588dbfa"
  "Self": "http://localhost/api/api/automatedtestruns?$top=5&$skip=0"

Status Code

200 - OK

Example - GET (no filter) with Totals expanded

Retrieves all automated test runs, including Totals

Request Headers


Request Parameters

$top5The maximum number of results to return (defaults to 25).
$skip0The number of results to skip before return the $top number of results matching the query.

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "Skip": 0,
  "Top": 5,
  "Total": 2,
  "Items": [
      "RunByDisplayName": "joeb",
      "RunBy": "joeb",
      "RunById": "191375f2-ae6e-4b52-8bed-4192e34b6486",
      "AssignmentId": "979ce5f8-efb7-432d-8848-c9cdf3151977",
      "Id": "02cbe373-a042-4f7b-8ba3-e03b1588dbfa",
      "Status": "Passed",
      "ImportedAt": "2013-01-16T16:15:00Z",
      "StartedAt": "2013-01-16T15:05:06Z",
      "FinishedAt": "2013-01-15T16:00:00Z",
      "Expands": [
      "Totals": {
        "Errors": 0,
        "Failed": 0,
        "Iterations": 0,
        "NotRun": 0,
        "Passed": 10,
        "Skipped": 0,
        "Warnings": 0,
        "Done": 0,
        "Infos": 0,
        "TotalNodes": 10,
        "TotalResults": 10
      "Self": "http://localhost/api/automatedtestrun/02cbe373-a042-4f7b-8ba3-e03b1588dbfa"
      "RunByDisplayName": "joeb",
      "RunBy": "joeb",
      "RunById": "191375f2-ae6e-4b52-8bed-4192e34b6486",
      "AssignmentId": "979ce5f8-efb7-432d-8848-c9cdf3151977",
      "Id": "02cbe373-a042-4f7b-8ba3-e03b1588dbfa",
      "Status": "Failed",
      "ImportedAt": "2013-01-17T16:15:00Z",
      "StartedAt": "2013-01-17T15:05:06Z",
      "FinishedAt": "2013-01-17T16:06:00Z",
      "Expands": [
      "Totals": {
        "Errors": 2,
        "Failed": 0,
        "Iterations": 0,
        "NotRun": 0,
        "Passed": 0,
        "Skipped": 8,
        "Warnings": 0,
        "Done": 0,
        "Infos": 0,
        "TotalNodes": 10,
        "TotalResults": 10
      "Self": "http://localhost/api/automatedtestrun/02cbe373-a042-4f7b-8ba3-e03b1588dbfa"
  "Self": "http://localhost/api/api/automatedtestruns?$expand=Totals&$top=5&$skip=0"

Status Code

200 - OK

  • No labels