Field: TestAssignedTo


TestAssignedTo is the user assigned to the test/script which is the parent of a test script assignment / automated test assignment.


To find all Script Assignments where the Script is assigned to multiple users:

TestAssignedTo IN [username1, username2, username3]

To find all Script Assignments where the Script is assigned to members of a group ( e.g. Testers):

EntityType = ScriptAssignment AND TestAssignedTo IN [MembersOf('Testers')]

Which can also be written as:

EntityType = ScriptAssignment AND TestAssignedTo = MembersOf('Testers')

Find all script assignments and automated tests with un-assigned tests/scripts (where assigned to is empty on the script/test):

EntityType IN [ScriptAssignment,AutomatedTestAssignment] AND TestAssignedTo IS Empty

Supported Operators

=, IN, !=, NOT IN, IS, IS NOT

Supported Indexes


Supported Types

  • AutomatedTestAssignment
  • TestScriptAssignment

Supported Features

AggregationYes (String)

  • No labels