Adding Requirements Folders

In order to allow you to group the requirements in a meaningful way you can add sub-folders to the top level Requirements folder. 

To do this:

  1. Navigate to the Requirements section of the project in the explorer view.
  2. Right click on the Requirements folder or a folder within it and select Add Package
    Or select the Add Requirements Package icon at the top of the tree view.

    The Add Requirements folder dialog will appear.
  3. Enter a name for the folder and click on save.

The requirements folder will be created under the selected project.

Moving Requirement folders

To move a Requirements folder:

  1. Expand the Explorer view until you can see the Requirements folder.
  2. Select the Requirements folder and drag it to the required location by clicking and holding your mouse down.

The Requirements folder and everything within it will move to the selected location.


Adding Requirements

Requirements can be added to the folders that you have created by creating them directly in Enterprise Tester, importing from a CSV file or synchronizing from JIRA, Enterprise Architect, Rally or TFS.

To add a Requirement directly in Enterprise Tester:

  1. Click the Create Requirement folder in the grid view 
    Or Right click a folder and select to add a Requirement

  2. The Requirements Screen will appear.

  3. On the Details tab enter the Requirements details and click Save, Requirement fields displayed are:



A number for the requirement

Auto numbering can be set as default.


A short description of the requirement.


Select from the pick list.


Select from the pick list.


Select from the pick list.


Select from the pick list.

Estimated Duration

Add a value such as 4d, 5h, 30m.

Assigned To

Select from list or click Assign to me.

Difficulty Level

Select from the pick list.


A detailed description of the requirement.Click on ‘Save’.                      

Custom FieldsA variety of custom field types can be added as required.





Viewing and Editing Requirements

You can view all requirements in a folder by double clicking on the Requirement folder in the Explorer Tab, a list of all requirements in the folder will be shown in the grid view.

The “Show Nested Items” tick box enables users to see all nested requirements in any sub-folder of the selected Requirements folder.



Adding Attachments to Requirements

You can add attachments to requirements by clicking on the Attachments tab.

  • To add an attachment, click on the Attach button, attach the file and save.
  • To add a screen shot, click on the Paste Image button, paste the image and save.

Viewing Requirements History

You can view the history of changes made to a requirement.

To do this:

  1. Select the History tab of the requirement when you have the requirement open for editing - the history of changes will be displayed.

You can filter the list of changes displayed by selecting from the filters available and clicking on ‘Search’, the filtered list will be displayed.

To clear the filter click on ‘Reset’.


Requirement Versions

Enterprise Tester also creates versions of requirements each time a set of changes are made.

The Versions tab lists the versions that have been created over time and provides the following information:

  • Version - Sequential version numbers
  • Created At - Timestamp at which the version was created
  • Created By - The user that made the change
  • Comment - Comments regarding the source of the version

This tab also displays detailed information for the selected version showing the difference between that version and the latest version. Details provided are:

  • Property - The name of the property.
  • Value (latest ver) - The current value of the property for the version.
  • Value (selected ver) - The value of the property for the selected version.

Nested Requirements

Enterprise Tester allows you to nest Requirements, drag and drop a Requirement onto another Requirement to nest.

See the screen shot below where nested Grandparent, Parent and Child Requirements are displayed.

Filtering Requirements

Where a large number of requirements have been created within a single folder, it is helpful to filter these records into more manageable groups.

To do this:

  1. Ensure your requirements are displayed in your grid view.
  2. Double click the Requirements folder select view Requirements.
  3. Click on the ‘Filter’ button to open the search screen.
  4. Select your search/ filter criteria and click on ‘Search’ to filter records and display results.

Additionally you can view requirements in the folder you have selected and also any sub folders if required. Tick or un-tick the “Show Nested Items” box as required.


Requirement Relationships

You can view and manage requirement Relationships from the Relationships tab.

Associated Requirements, Scripts, Script Runs, Automated Tests, Automated Test Runs and Incident relationships are displayed.


To add a relationship:

  1. Select the Requirement you wish to associate and click the add button.
  2. The Add Relationship pop up dialogue is displayed.
  3. Select a Relationship Type:
    • Association - Requirement to Requirement Relationship
    • Dependency - Requirement to Requirement Relationship
    • Coverage - Automated Test to Requirement Relationship
    • Coverage - Test Script to Requirement Relationship
  4. Select a Destination:
    You will be able to select a Requirement, Automated Test Script or Test Script to link to depending on the Relationship Type you have chosen to create.

  5. Select a Direction:
    • None
    • Source to Destination
    • Destination to Source
    • Source to Destination & Destination to Source

  6. Click OK and the relationship will be created and saved.

The direction has no functional bearing on how a requirement works within Enterprise Tester.


You can remove a relationship by selecting a Requirement, Automated Test Script or Test Script that is related to the Requirement you are viewing, and then by clicking the Remove button.

Note: You will not be prompted for a confirmation to remove this relationship.


You can edit a relationship direction by selecting a Requirement that is related to the Requirement you are viewing, and then clicking the Edit button.

Change the relationship direction in the pop up dialogue box and click ok to save it.


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