Resource: Grid Widget Data ( /api/gridwidget/{widgetType}/data/{dataName} )

Allows the retrieval of data for a grid widget.

This resource supports the following methods: POST



Retrieves the data set for a grid widget.

Status Codes

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if the request was completed successfully.
404 - NotFoundReturned if widget type was invalid.

Example - POST

Retrieve a set of data (by name) for a type of grid widget. Note: this is a POST rather than a GET request, because a large amount of contextual state must be passed in for this operation to complete.

Request Headers


Request Parameters

{widgetType}RunStatusesGroupedByFieldForAutomatedRunsType of widget to return data from.
{dataName}resultsThe name of the data set to retrieve (data may be retrieved for displaying on the widget, or for populating additional metadata required for configuring the widget).

Request Body

  "IndexName": "Run",
  "AllowableTypes": [
  "BaseQuery": "AssignmentID = 2d8d6b25-0203-4595-9903-1325bcd85948",
  "ProjectId": "cdd1a0cf-2cd1-4f9a-8513-a9a2fc74d133",
  "PackageId": "df3097c2-0777-4156-9186-d321e9611481",
  "PackageType": "ExecutionPackage",
  "Query": "ORDER BY CreatedAt DESC",
  "Selections": [
      "Id": "482c3531-1781-42ae-b084-7369964e674a",
      "Type": "AutomatedTestRun"
      "Id": "281850fd-cf28-484c-b88a-e4ff43b49e27",
      "Type": "AgileRun"
  "TimeZone": "America/New_York",
  "Parameters": {
    "groupingType": "Field",
    "groupingField": "RunNumber"

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "Data": {
    "Results": [
        "Key": "1",
        "InProgress": 0,
        "Undetermined": 0,
        "Errors": 0,
        "Failed": 167,
        "NotRun": 0,
        "Passed": 2588,
        "Skipped": 3,
        "Warnings": 0,
        "Blocked": 0

Status Code

0 - 0

  • No labels