Resource: External Sources Metadata ( /api/externalsourcesmetadata )

Allows the retrieval of an external sources metadata. Metadata provides identifying information and additional field metadata which can be used when creating a new link by POSTing to the /api/externalsystemlink resource.

The metadata for external sources have an associated end - the 'Source' end is for entities within Enterprise Tester (e.g. requirement, test script and incident).

The 'Destination' end is for entities in external systems (e.g. Issues in Jira, test cases in Enterprise Architect, User stories in rally etc.).

To create a suitable link between a 'Source' and 'Destination' end, the 'Destination' end must be compatible with the 'Source' end - the metadata returned from these resources allows you to identify compatible source and destination ends via the property 'CompatibleWithSourceKeys'.

Root Relation: ExternalSourcesMetadata



Retrieves all (or a subset) of external sources.

This method supports the OData parameters $filter, $top, $take, $orderby and $inlinecount. See OData Topic for more details.

Supported Expansions

  • FieldControls
  • InitialFieldValues

For more details on expansions, please see the Expand help topic.

Status Codes

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if the request was completed successfully.

Example - Retrieve all external sources metadata

An example of retrieving all external sources metadata.

Request Headers


Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "Items": [
      "End": "Source",
      "Name": "Requirements",
      "Id": null,
      "Key": "Requirement",
      "CompatibleWithSourceKeys": null,
      "Expands": [
      "Self": "http://localhost/api/externalsourcemetadata?key=Requirement&end=Source"
      "End": "Destination",
      "Name": "TFS2010 - TFS",
      "Id": "0a1e8d7a-0078-4941-92e7-a17a00ed142f",
      "Key": "Synchronization",
      "CompatibleWithSourceKeys": [
      "Expands": [
      "Self": "http://localhost/api/externalsourcemetadata?id=0a1e8d7a-0078-4941-92e7-a17a00ed142f&key=Synchronization&end=Destination"
  "Self": "http://localhost/EnterpriseTester/api/externalsourcesmetadata"

Status Code

200 - OK

Example - Retrieve filtered list of external sources metadata

Retrieve all external sources metadata filtered by compatibleWithKey and end (The example shows retrieving 'Destination' ends compatible for requirement synchronization).

Request Headers


Request Parameters

compatibleWithKeyRequirementThe filter to apply to the 'CompatibleWithSourceKeys' value.
endDestinationThe end to filter external sources by (valid values are 'Source' and 'Destination').

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "Items": [
      "End": "Destination",
      "Name": "TFS2010 - TFS",
      "Id": "0a1e8d7a-0078-4941-92e7-a17a00ed142f",
      "Key": "Synchronization",
      "CompatibleWithSourceKeys": [
      "Expands": [
      "Self": "http://localhost/api/externalsourcemetadata?id=0a1e8d7a-0078-4941-92e7-a17a00ed142f&key=Synchronization&end=Destination"
  "Self": "http://localhost/EnterpriseTester/api/externalsourcesmetadata?end=Destination&compatibleWithKey=Requirement"

Status Code

200 - OK

Example - Retrieve external sources metadata for the 'Source' end which are compatible with a destination end Id

Retrieve an external source's metadata identified by end and compatibleWithId - this is a common approach for retrieving a set of sources for the 'Source' end which are known to be compatible with a desintation end (external system).

Request Headers


Request Parameters

endSourceThe end the source belongs to.
compatibleWithIdAB743B14-4F7F-49EB-9215-B99236D18C43ID of the destination end the sources must be compatible with.

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "End": "Source",
  "Name": "Requirements",
  "Id": null,
  "Key": "Requirement",
  "CompatibleWithSourceKeys": null,
  "Expands": [
  "Self": "http://localhost/api/externalsourcemetadata?key=Requirement&end=Source"

Status Code

200 - OK

  • No labels