Resource: User Password ( /api/user/{id}/password )

Allows the setting of a password for a user.



Sets or updates the password for a user (you do not require any permissions to set the password for the currently authenticated user)

Required Permissions

  • Administration/Organisation/ManageUserAndGroupSecurity

Status Codes

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if the request was completed successfully.
403 - ForbiddenReturned if password did not meet complexity requirements, or you do not have permission to update the password for this user.
404 - NotFoundReturned if user does not exists.

Example - Set password

Set password for a user to 'Password123'

Request Headers


Request Parameters

{id}D23CFEE1-7294-4DAE-ACD0-248DCD6E4863ID of the user to set password for

Request Body

  "Password": "Password123"

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Status Code

200 - OK

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