Resource: Project Tickets ( /api/project/{projectId}/tickets )

Allows the searching of tickets in external systems



Retrieves tickets for a project via a query

Required Permissions

  • TestManagement/View

Supported Expansions

  • ExternalSystem

For more details on expansions, please see the Expand help topic.

Status Codes

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if the request was completed successfully.

Example - Search tickets for items matching query

An example of fetching tickets matching a text search.

Request Headers


Request Parameters

{projectId}D2FA3402-30FD-4714-BB39-FAA30748BC14Unique ID of Project to find tickets for
qtestText to search for in ticket

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "Skip": 0,
  "Top": 25,
  "Total": 2,
  "Items": [
      "Key": "TST-4629",
      "Summary": "Test windows title clips text on bottom",
      "Url": "",
      "Id": "18759",
      "Type": "Bug",
      "ExternalSystemId": "c63e805c-e5d3-4919-9d10-a0a500e0754a",
      "ExternalSystemName": "testing",
      "IncidentId": null,
      "Status": "Open",
      "InternalKey": null,
      "Self": "http://localhost/api/externalsystemlink/c63e805c-e5d3-4919-9d10-a0a500e0754a/ticket/18759",
      "Links": [
          "Href": "http://localhost/api/externalsystemlink/c63e805c-e5d3-4919-9d10-a0a500e0754a/ticket/18759/link",
          "Rel": "StartCreateIncident"
          "Href": "http://localhost/api/externalsystemlink/c63e805c-e5d3-4919-9d10-a0a500e0754a",
          "Rel": "ExternalSystemLink"
      "Key": "TST-2222",
      "Summary": "Re-run selenium tests",
      "Url": "",
      "Id": "12123",
      "Type": "Task",
      "ExternalSystemId": "c63e805c-e5d3-4919-9d10-a0a500e0754a",
      "ExternalSystemName": "testing",
      "IncidentId": null,
      "Status": "In Progress",
      "InternalKey": null,
      "Self": "http://localhost/api/externalsystemlink/c63e805c-e5d3-4919-9d10-a0a500e0754a/ticket/12123",
      "Links": [
          "Href": "http://localhost/api/externalsystemlink/c63e805c-e5d3-4919-9d10-a0a500e0754a/ticket/12123/link",
          "Rel": "StartCreateIncident"
          "Href": "http://localhost/api/externalsystemlink/c63e805c-e5d3-4919-9d10-a0a500e0754a",
          "Rel": "ExternalSystemLink"
  "Self": "http://localhost/api/api/project/D2FA3402-30FD-4714-BB39-FAA30748BC14/tickets?q=test"

Status Code

200 - OK

Example - Search tickets for items matching query (with different number of max results)

An example of fetching tickets matching a text search, with a configured maximum number of results.

Request Headers


Request Parameters

{projectId}D2FA3402-30FD-4714-BB39-FAA30748BC14Unique ID of Project to find tickets for
qtestText to search for in ticket
$top1Maxmimum number of tickets to return

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "Skip": 0,
  "Top": 1,
  "Total": 1,
  "Items": [
      "Key": "TST-4629",
      "Summary": "Test windows title clips text on bottom",
      "Url": "",
      "Id": "18759",
      "Type": "Bug",
      "ExternalSystemId": "c63e805c-e5d3-4919-9d10-a0a500e0754a",
      "ExternalSystemName": "testing",
      "IncidentId": null,
      "Status": "Open",
      "InternalKey": null,
      "Self": "http://localhost/api/externalsystemlink/c63e805c-e5d3-4919-9d10-a0a500e0754a/ticket/18759",
      "Links": [
          "Href": "http://localhost/api/externalsystemlink/c63e805c-e5d3-4919-9d10-a0a500e0754a/ticket/18759/link",
          "Rel": "StartCreateIncident"
          "Href": "http://localhost/api/externalsystemlink/c63e805c-e5d3-4919-9d10-a0a500e0754a",
          "Rel": "ExternalSystemLink"
  "Self": "http://localhost/api/api/project/D2FA3402-30FD-4714-BB39-FAA30748BC14/tickets?q=test&$top=1"

Status Code

200 - OK

  • No labels