Resource: External System Link ( /api/externalsystemlink/{id} )

Allows the retrieval of details for a single external system link (Incident, Requirement, UseCase link etc.)


Deletes the external system link, and optionally removes all associated references and events for this link

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if the request was completed successfully.
404 - NotFoundReturned if external system link does not exist.

Example - Delete External System Link (and keep external system references)

Example of deleting external system and retaining all external system references and events (so when previously synchronized entities will remain unchanged after deleting the link)

Request Headers


Request Parameters

keepReferencestrueKeep references but delete link (this is also the default value for this parameter, so it can be omitted entirely)

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Status Code

200 - OK

Example - Delete External System Link (and remove external system references)

Example of deleting external system and removing all external system references and events

Request Headers


Request Parameters

keepReferencesfalseForce removal of all references and events associated with this link.

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Status Code

200 - OK

Retrieves a single external system link by ID.

  • Resources/ExternalLinks
  • Configuration
  • ExternalSystem

For more details on expansions, please see the Expand help topic.

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if the request was completed successfully.
403 - ForbiddenReturned if you do not have the necessary permissions to view this external system link.
404 - NotFoundReturned if external system link does not exist.

Example - Get External System Link

Example of fetching an external system link by ID

Request Headers


Request Parameters


Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "ExternalSystemId": "b5ee119f-bc44-4b3c-befe-919f2fe3f4f7",
  "ProjectId": "8620f850-a390-4acf-817b-e21435e2ac04",
  "Id": "a01fc7ed-3492-4792-9a0b-e2b52fa10913",
  "Type": "Incident",
  "Name": "Project X",
  "Enabled": true,
  "LastSynchronizedAt": "2012-01-01T14:04:07Z",
  "LastDestinationToSourceSynchronizationAt": "2012-01-01T14:04:05Z",
  "LastSourceToDestinationSynchronizationAt": "2012-01-01T14:04:06Z",
  "Self": "http://localhost/api/externalsystemlink/a01fc7ed-3492-4792-9a0b-e2b52fa10913"

Status Code

200 - OK

  • No labels