Resource: External System's Links ( /api/externalsystem/{systemId}/links )

Allows the search and retrieval of external system links for an external system (Defect Trackers and Enterprise Architect connections)


Retrieves all (or a subset) of external systems links for an external system

This method supports the OData parameters $filter, $top, $take, $orderby and $inlinecount. See OData Topic for more details.

  • Configuration
  • ExternalSystem

For more details on expansions, please see the Expand help topic.

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if the request was completed successfully.

Example - Get all external system links

An example of fetching all external system links

Request Headers


Request Parameters


Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

    "ExternalSystemId": "b5ee119f-bc44-4b3c-befe-919f2fe3f4f7",
    "ProjectId": "3afbe0dd-55ca-419e-b75d-d21c821d7281",
    "Id": "a01fc7ed-3492-4792-9a0b-e2b52fa10913",
    "Type": "Incident",
    "Name": "Project X",
    "Enabled": false,
    "LastSynchronizedAt": "2012-01-01T14:04:07Z",
    "LastDestinationToSourceSynchronizationAt": "2012-01-01T14:04:05Z",
    "LastSourceToDestinationSynchronizationAt": "2012-01-01T14:04:06Z",
    "Self": "http://localhost/api/externalsystemlink/a01fc7ed-3492-4792-9a0b-e2b52fa10913"
    "ExternalSystemId": "b5ee119f-bc44-4b3c-befe-919f2fe3f4f7",
    "ProjectId": "3afbe0dd-55ca-419e-b75d-d21c821d7281",
    "Id": "a01fc7ed-3492-4792-9a0b-e2b52fa10913",
    "Type": "Requirement",
    "Name": "Project X",
    "Enabled": false,
    "LastSynchronizedAt": "2012-01-01T14:04:07Z",
    "LastDestinationToSourceSynchronizationAt": "2012-01-01T14:04:05Z",
    "LastSourceToDestinationSynchronizationAt": "2012-01-01T14:04:06Z",
    "Self": "http://localhost/api/externalsystemlink/a01fc7ed-3492-4792-9a0b-e2b52fa10913"

Status Code

200 - OK

Example - Get all external system links filtered by type

An example of fetching a set of external system links by type and project Id, by using the ODATA $filter query parameter.

Request Headers


Request Parameters

$filterType eq 'Incident' AND ProjectId eq '3AFBE0DD-55CA-419E-B75D-D21C821D7281'The ODATA $filter parameter, this query parameter should be url encoded i.e. $filter=Type%20eq%20'Incident'%20AND%20Project%20eq%20'3AFBE0DD-55CA-419E-B75D-D21C821D7281'

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

    "ExternalSystemId": "b5ee119f-bc44-4b3c-befe-919f2fe3f4f7",
    "ProjectId": "3afbe0dd-55ca-419e-b75d-d21c821d7281",
    "Id": "a01fc7ed-3492-4792-9a0b-e2b52fa10913",
    "Type": "Incident",
    "Name": "Project X",
    "Enabled": false,
    "LastSynchronizedAt": "2012-01-01T14:04:07Z",
    "LastDestinationToSourceSynchronizationAt": "2012-01-01T14:04:05Z",
    "LastSourceToDestinationSynchronizationAt": "2012-01-01T14:04:06Z",
    "Self": "http://localhost/api/externalsystemlink/a01fc7ed-3492-4792-9a0b-e2b52fa10913"

Status Code

200 - OK

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