Diagnosing authentication issues can be difficult - there are a number of possible issues that can occur:

  • Incorrectly configured authentication method
  • Authentication methods are disabled
  • Servers etc. that methods rely on cannot be contacted
  • Username does not exist
  • Username exists in directory, but does not exist in Enterprise Tester
  • Password is incorrect

On the authentication methods toolbar is a button on the right hand side called ‘Test Authentication’, if you click it you will see the following screen:

Here you can enter a username and password (1), then click "Run Test" (2) which will then attempt to authenticate the user against all enabled authentication methods.

  • Overall success is reported via two fields "Success" (3) and "User Exists" (4) - both these must be true for the user to be able to log into Enterprise Tester successfully.
  • By clicking the plus "+" next to a row you can see any details i.e. if an exception was thrown while attempting to authenticate the user.
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