Some resources in Enterprise Tester support executing TQL queries. For details on constructing a valid TQL query see the TQL Search topic.

The results of a TQL query a retrieved via a GET request to a resource, and use the following parameters.

Query Parameters

  • tql - a string containing the TQL query, including ORDER BY information.
  • $expand - Is supported for most resource types - each resource will return a list of unexpanded expansions as part of it's representation.
  • $top - Is supported for both OData and TQL queries, it is an integer number specifying the number of results you want.
  • $skip - Is supported for both OData and TQL queries, it is an integer number specifying the result to begin from (so if paging with a $top of 10, the third page of results would be identified via a $skip of 20).
  • $inlinecount - Is supported for both OData and TQL queries, if passed then the results will include the total number of results in the representation, as a property called "Total".
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