Entities within Enterprise Tester have a type. These can be used to filter the entities displayed in the query results. The types currently supported within Enterprise Tester are:
- AutomatedTest
- AutomatedTestAssignment
- ExecutionPackage
- Incident
- TestScriptPackage
- Requirement
- RequirementPackage
- TestScript
- TestScriptAssignment
In V4.6 and above, TQL includes a "Runs" index which supports the following entity types:
- ScriptRun
- AutomatedTestRun
- AgileRun
There are a number of short-hand forms for some of the above types:
- Test (AutomatedTest)
- TestAssignment (AutomatedTestAssignment)
- ScriptPackage (TestScriptPackage)
- Script (TestScript)
- ScriptAssignment (TestScriptAssignment)
Within a query you can restrict the types returned by using the Field EntityType.
EntityType = Requirement
You can also restrict by multiple types:
EntityType IN [Requirement, Script]
Last of all, if you want to search across all three package types you can use the pseudo-type "Package" to save a little extra typing:
EntityType = Package