Resource: Automated Test Schedule Import Configurations ( /api/automatedtestschedule/{id}/importconfigurations )

Automated Test Schedule Import Configurations (collection) resource



Retrieves the list of automated test schedule configurations.

This method supports the OData parameters $filter, $top, $take, $orderby and $inlinecount. See OData Topic for more details.

Status Codes

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if request completed successfully.
403 - ForbiddenReturned if you do not have permission to view the automated test schedule the configurations belong to.
404 - NotFoundReturned if schedule does not exist.

Example - GET

Retrieve all import configurations belonging to an automated test schedule (Duette Schedule)

Request Headers


Request Parameters

{id}B7C458E9-D207-4998-BAD0-3AFF0E6FA365Unique identifier of the automated test schedule

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "Total": 1,
  "Items": [
      "ScheduleId": "b7c458e9-d207-4998-bad0-3aff0e6fa365",
      "Id": "62ff8d7c-9256-4c6b-b889-3600f675f5a7",
      "Name": "All NUnit Results",
      "Type": "UnitTest",
      "SubType": "NUnit",
      "SourcePath": "C:\\testdata\\{name}.xml",
      "NameTemplate": "{name}",
      "CombineResults": false,
      "ScriptPackageId": "05ec0839-3c87-41ce-9940-fd142563c28f",
      "ExecutionPackageId": "6ee31f73-b36a-4288-9ce9-23281054e365",
      "MaximumNumberOfResultsRetained": 10,
      "SkipIfFilesUnchanged": true,
      "Description": "DefaultPath: N/A, XSLT File: N/A",
      "Enabled": true,
      "Expands": [
      "Self": "http://localhost/api/automatedtestschedule/b7c458e9-d207-4998-bad0-3aff0e6fa365/importconfiguration/62ff8d7c-9256-4c6b-b889-3600f675f5a7",
      "Links": [
          "Href": "http://localhost/api/automatedtestschedule/b7c458e9-d207-4998-bad0-3aff0e6fa365",
          "Rel": "Schedule"

Status Code

200 - OK


Adds a new configuration to the automated test schedule.

Status Codes

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if request completed successfully.
403 - ForbiddenReturned if you do not have permission to add a new configuration to the automated test schedule.
404 - NotFoundReturned if schedule does not exist.

Example - POST (using in-line SubType)

Create a new import configuration for an automated test schedule (Duette Schedule) - this demonstrates supplying SubType in-line.

Request Headers


Request Body

  "ScheduleId": "b7c458e9-d207-4998-bad0-3aff0e6fa365",
  "Name": "All NUnit Results",
  "Type": "UnitTest",
  "SubType": "NUnit",
  "SourcePath": "C:\\testdata\\{name}.xml",
  "NameTemplate": "{name}",
  "CombineResults": false,
  "ScriptPackageId": "05ec0839-3c87-41ce-9940-fd142563c28f",
  "ExecutionPackageId": "6ee31f73-b36a-4288-9ce9-23281054e365",
  "MaximumNumberOfResultsRetained": 10,
  "SkipIfFilesUnchanged": true

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "ScheduleId": "b7c458e9-d207-4998-bad0-3aff0e6fa365",
  "Id": "62ff8d7c-9256-4c6b-b889-3600f675f5a7",
  "Name": "All NUnit Results",
  "Type": "UnitTest",
  "SubType": "NUnit",
  "SourcePath": "C:\\testdata\\{name}.xml",
  "NameTemplate": "{name}",
  "CombineResults": false,
  "ScriptPackageId": "05ec0839-3c87-41ce-9940-fd142563c28f",
  "ExecutionPackageId": "6ee31f73-b36a-4288-9ce9-23281054e365",
  "MaximumNumberOfResultsRetained": 10,
  "SkipIfFilesUnchanged": true,
  "Description": "DefaultPath: N/A, XSLT File: N/A",
  "Enabled": true,
  "Expands": [
  "Self": "http://localhost/api/automatedtestschedule/b7c458e9-d207-4998-bad0-3aff0e6fa365/importconfiguration/62ff8d7c-9256-4c6b-b889-3600f675f5a7",
  "Links": [
      "Href": "http://localhost/api/automatedtestschedule/b7c458e9-d207-4998-bad0-3aff0e6fa365",
      "Rel": "Schedule"

Status Code

201 - Created

Example - POST (using FieldValues)

Create a new import configuration for an automated test schedule (Duette Schedule) - this demonstrates passing in a full FieldValues object where you can specify additional options such as SubType, Default path etc.

Request Headers


Request Parameters

$expandFieldValuesinclude FieldValues object in response

Request Body

  "ScheduleId": "b7c458e9-d207-4998-bad0-3aff0e6fa365",
  "Name": "All NUnit Results",
  "Type": "UnitTest",
  "SourcePath": "C:\\testdata\\{name}.xml",
  "NameTemplate": "{name}",
  "CombineResults": false,
  "ScriptPackageId": "05ec0839-3c87-41ce-9940-fd142563c28f",
  "ExecutionPackageId": "6ee31f73-b36a-4288-9ce9-23281054e365",
  "MaximumNumberOfResultsRetained": 10,
  "FieldValues": {
    "DefaultPath": "c:\\testdata\\",
    "Type": "NUnit"
  "SkipIfFilesUnchanged": true

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "ScheduleId": "b7c458e9-d207-4998-bad0-3aff0e6fa365",
  "Id": "62ff8d7c-9256-4c6b-b889-3600f675f5a7",
  "Name": "All NUnit Results",
  "Type": "UnitTest",
  "SubType": "NUnit",
  "SourcePath": "C:\\testdata\\{name}.xml",
  "NameTemplate": "{name}",
  "CombineResults": false,
  "ScriptPackageId": "05ec0839-3c87-41ce-9940-fd142563c28f",
  "ExecutionPackageId": "6ee31f73-b36a-4288-9ce9-23281054e365",
  "MaximumNumberOfResultsRetained": 10,
  "SkipIfFilesUnchanged": true,
  "Description": "DefaultPath: N/A, XSLT File: N/A",
  "Enabled": true,
  "Expands": [
  "FieldValues": {
    "Type": "NUnit",
    "DefaultPath": null,
    "XsltFile": null
  "Self": "http://localhost/api/automatedtestschedule/b7c458e9-d207-4998-bad0-3aff0e6fa365/importconfiguration/62ff8d7c-9256-4c6b-b889-3600f675f5a7",
  "Links": [
      "Href": "http://localhost/api/automatedtestschedule/b7c458e9-d207-4998-bad0-3aff0e6fa365",
      "Rel": "Schedule"

Status Code

201 - Created

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