Resource: Project ( /api/project/{id} )
Represents a project within Enterprise Tester
This resource supports the following methods: DELETE, GET, PUT
Start a background task to delete a project
Required Permissions
- Project/ManageProjects
Status Codes
These are the expected status codes returned by the service. In addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).
Status | Description |
202 - Accepted | Returned if the task was started successfully. |
404 - NotFound | Returned if project was not found. |
An example of deleting a package.
Request Parameters
Key | Value | Description |
{id} | 4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610 | GUID Identifier of project to delete. |
Response Body
{ "Complete": false, "TotalElements": 10, "ProcessedElements": 5, "StartedAt": "2011-12-31T11:00:00Z", "ProgressInPercent": 0.5, "Id": "deleteproject-2acac705-5ab8-4a1b-8586-299d4172b2dc", "Message": "Reticulating Splines", "Self": "http://localhost/api/backgroundtask/deleteproject-2acac705-5ab8-4a1b-8586-299d4172b2dc" }
Status Code
200 - OK
Retrieves information about a single project
Required Permissions
- TestManagement/ManageExecutions/View
- TestManagement/ManageScripts/View
- TestManagement/ManageIncidents/View
- TestManagement/ManageRequirements/View
Supported Expansions
- TimeTrackingConfiguration
- ProjectCategory
- Statuses
- Priorities
- RequirementTypes
- RequirementStatuses
- RequirementDifficulties
- IncidentTypes
- TestTypes
- IncidentResolutions
- IncidentStatuses
- Versions
- Components
- ExecutionPackages
- ScriptPackages
- RequirementPackages
- ExternalSystemLinks
- Widgets
For more details on expansions, please see the Expand help topic.
Status Codes
These are the expected status codes returned by the service. In addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).
Status | Description |
200 - OK | Returned if the request was completed successfully. |
403 - Forbidden | Returned if you do not have permission to view this project. |
Example of fetching a single project (no expansions)
Request Headers
Key | Value | Description |
Accept | application/json |
Request Parameters
Key | Value | Description |
id | EB06E5D8-F774-4B0F-A95C-A911C13527A9 | Unique GUID identifier of the project |
Response Headers
Key | Value | Description |
Content-Type | application/json; charset=utf-8 |
Response Body
{ "Id": "eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9", "Name": "Test Project", "OrganisationId": "41930a0d-0d44-4a82-a9de-e2c25780130b", "OrganisationName": "Acme Inc", "ProjectCategoryId": null, "ProjectCategoryName": null, "Description": null, "EstimatedEndDate": null, "ManagerId": null, "ManagerUserName": null, "Slug": "test-project", "AutoNumberRequirements": false, "AutoNumberScripts": false, "Independent": false, "RequirementNumberReadOnly": false, "ScriptNumberReadOnly": false, "OrderNumber": 0, "StartDate": null, "Expands": [ "Statuses", "Priorities", "RequirementTypes", "RequirementStatuses", "RequirementDifficulties", "IncidentTypes", "TestTypes", "IncidentResolutions", "IncidentStatuses", "Versions", "Components", "ExecutionPackages", "ScriptPackages", "RequirementPackages", "TimeTrackingConfiguration" ], "Self": "http://localhost/api/project/eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9", "Links": [ { "Title": "Project Tickets Search", "Href": "http://localhost/api/project/eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9/tickets", "Rel": "Tickets" }, { "Title": "Project Assignees Search", "Href": "http://localhost/api/project/eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9/assignees", "Rel": "Assignees" }, { "Title": "Widgets (Editors for entity fields)", "Href": "http://localhost/api/project/eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9/widgets", "Rel": "Widgets" } ] }
Status Code
200 - OK
Example of fetching a single project (with Priority and Status picklists expanded).
Request Headers
Key | Value | Description |
Accept | application/json |
Request Parameters
Key | Value | Description |
{id} | EB06E5D8-F774-4B0F-A95C-A911C13527A9 | Unique GUID identifier of the project. |
$expand | Priorities,Statuses | Expand properties to eager fetch. |
Response Headers
Key | Value | Description |
Content-Type | application/json; charset=utf-8 |
Response Body
{ "Id": "eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9", "Name": "Test Project", "OrganisationId": "41930a0d-0d44-4a82-a9de-e2c25780130b", "OrganisationName": "Acme Inc", "ProjectCategoryId": null, "ProjectCategoryName": null, "Description": null, "EstimatedEndDate": null, "ManagerId": null, "ManagerUserName": null, "Slug": "test-project", "AutoNumberRequirements": false, "AutoNumberScripts": false, "Independent": false, "RequirementNumberReadOnly": false, "ScriptNumberReadOnly": false, "OrderNumber": 0, "StartDate": null, "Expands": [ "RequirementTypes", "RequirementStatuses", "RequirementDifficulties", "IncidentTypes", "TestTypes", "IncidentResolutions", "IncidentStatuses", "Versions", "Components", "ExecutionPackages", "ScriptPackages", "RequirementPackages", "TimeTrackingConfiguration" ], "Priorities": [ { "Id": "6b1e46f4-8b59-4dc3-8ed1-0b3b89612e34", "Text": "Low", "SortOrder": 1, "Self": "http://localhost/api/project/eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9/priority/6b1e46f4-8b59-4dc3-8ed1-0b3b89612e34" }, { "Id": "5d37d6a1-6b1d-4007-8fcf-2c5296af3740", "Text": "High", "SortOrder": 2, "Self": "http://localhost/api/project/eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9/priority/5d37d6a1-6b1d-4007-8fcf-2c5296af3740" } ], "Statuses": [ { "Id": "753387d7-0a67-45bd-8b96-a58791c283bb", "Text": "Draft", "SortOrder": 1, "Self": "http://localhost/api/project/eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9/status/753387d7-0a67-45bd-8b96-a58791c283bb" }, { "Id": "023b39dc-31a3-4bb6-bf01-69da23de5d3f", "Text": "Final", "SortOrder": 2, "Self": "http://localhost/api/project/eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9/status/023b39dc-31a3-4bb6-bf01-69da23de5d3f" } ], "Self": "http://localhost/api/project/eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9", "Links": [ { "Title": "Project Tickets Search", "Href": "http://localhost/api/project/eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9/tickets", "Rel": "Tickets" }, { "Title": "Project Assignees Search", "Href": "http://localhost/api/project/eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9/assignees", "Rel": "Assignees" }, { "Title": "Widgets (Editors for entity fields)", "Href": "http://localhost/api/project/eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9/widgets", "Rel": "Widgets" } ] }
Status Code
200 - OK
Update an existing project.
Required Permissions
- Project/ManageProjects
Supported Expansions
- TimeTrackingConfiguration
- ProjectCategory
- Statuses
- Priorities
- RequirementTypes
- RequirementStatuses
- RequirementDifficulties
- IncidentTypes
- TestTypes
- IncidentResolutions
- IncidentStatuses
- Versions
- Components
- ExecutionPackages
- ScriptPackages
- RequirementPackages
- ExternalSystemLinks
- Widgets
For more details on expansions, please see the Expand help topic.
Status Codes
These are the expected status codes returned by the service. In addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).
Status | Description |
200 - OK | Returned if the project was updated successfully. |
403 - Forbidden | Returned if the user does not have permission to update a project. |
404 - NotFound | Returned if the project does not exist. |
409 - Conflict | Returned if the name for the project is in use (if attempting to rename the project). |
Example of updating a project
Request Headers
Key | Value | Description |
Accept | application/json |
Request Parameters
Key | Value | Description |
id | EB06E5D8-F774-4B0F-A95C-A911C13527A9 | Unique GUID identifier of the project |
Request Body
{ "Name": "New Name", "Id": "eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9", "ProjectCategoryId": "b8cd5461-24af-4393-b089-c51ed25687fa", "Description": "Updated description", "EstimatedEndDate": "2012-12-31T11:00:00Z", "ManagerId": "1409a902-9d1b-4afb-aa92-082ebe8eb3bf", "AutoNumberRequirements": true, "AutoNumberScripts": false, "Independent": true, "RequirementNumberReadOnly": true, "ScriptNumberReadOnly": false, "OrderNumber": 2, "StartDate": "2011-12-31T11:00:00Z" }
Response Headers
Key | Value | Description |
Content-Type | application/json; charset=utf-8 |
Response Body
{ "Id": "eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9", "Name": "New Name", "OrganisationId": "41930a0d-0d44-4a82-a9de-e2c25780130b", "OrganisationName": "Acme Inc", "ProjectCategoryId": "b8cd5461-24af-4393-b089-c51ed25687fa", "ProjectCategoryName": "Archived Projects", "Description": "Updated description", "EstimatedEndDate": "2012-12-31T11:00:00Z", "ManagerId": "1409a902-9d1b-4afb-aa92-082ebe8eb3bf", "ManagerUserName": "janedoe", "Slug": "new-name", "AutoNumberRequirements": true, "AutoNumberScripts": false, "Independent": false, "RequirementNumberReadOnly": false, "ScriptNumberReadOnly": false, "OrderNumber": 2, "StartDate": "2011-12-31T11:00:00Z", "Expands": [ "Statuses", "Priorities", "RequirementTypes", "RequirementStatuses", "RequirementDifficulties", "IncidentTypes", "TestTypes", "IncidentResolutions", "IncidentStatuses", "Versions", "Components", "ExecutionPackages", "ScriptPackages", "RequirementPackages", "TimeTrackingConfiguration" ], "Self": "http://localhost/api/project/eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9", "Links": [ { "Title": "Project Tickets Search", "Href": "http://localhost/api/project/eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9/tickets", "Rel": "Tickets" }, { "Title": "Project Assignees Search", "Href": "http://localhost/api/project/eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9/assignees", "Rel": "Assignees" }, { "Title": "Widgets (Editors for entity fields)", "Href": "http://localhost/api/project/eb06e5d8-f774-4b0f-a95c-a911c13527a9/widgets", "Rel": "Widgets" } ] }
Status Code
200 - OK