Resource: Execution Package ( /api/executionpackage/{id} )

Execution Package resource



Deletes an execution package by its unique identifier.

Required Permissions

  • TestManagement/ManageExecution

Status Codes

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if execution package was deleted successfully.
403 - ForbiddenReturned if execution package can not be deleted (normally because required permission have not been met or the package has children but you did not pass the deleteChildren parameter.).
404 - NotFoundReturned if execution package was not found.

Example - Delete empty package

Example of deleting a package.

Request Parameters

{id}4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610GUID Identifier of package to delete.

Status Code

200 - OK

Example - Delete package with children

Example of deleting a package with children.

Request Parameters

{id}4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610GUID Identifier of package to delete.
deleteChildrentrueWill delete a package and all its children.

Status Code

200 - OK

Example - Delete package with children (without deleteChildren parameter)

Example of deleting a non-empty package without deleteChildren=true.

Request Parameters

{id}4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610GUID Identifier of package to delete.

Response Body

  "Message": "The package is not empty."

Status Code

403 - Forbidden


Retrieves an execution package by its unique identifier.

Required Permissions

  • TestManagement/View

Supported Expansions

For more details on expansions, please see the Expand help topic.

Status Codes

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if the request was completed successfully.
404 - NotFoundReturned if execution package was not found.

Example - GET

Example of retrieving execution package by unique identifier.

Request Headers


Request Parameters

{id}4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610GUID Identifier of package to retrieve.

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "Id": "4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610",
  "ParentId": "cc91ec0b-a9f2-44fe-bf86-97ecb98cecc6",
  "Name": "New Package Name",
  "Stereotype": null,
  "OrderNumber": 1,
  "Expands": [
  "Self": "http://localhost/api/executionpackage/4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610",
  "Links": [
      "Href": "http://localhost/api/executionpackage/4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610/children",
      "Rel": "Children"
      "Href": "http://localhost/api/executionpackage/cc91ec0b-a9f2-44fe-bf86-97ecb98cecc6",
      "Rel": "Parent"

Status Code

200 - OK


Update an execution package.

Required Permissions

  • TestManagement/ManageExecution

Supported Expansions

For more details on expansions, please see the Expand help topic.

Status Codes

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if the request was completed successfully.
403 - ForbiddenReturned if the user does not have permission to create execution packages in the target project.
404 - NotFoundReturned if the package does not exist.

Example - PUT (update package name)

Updating a package name.

Request Headers


Request Parameters

{id}4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610GUID Identifier of package to delete.

Request Body

  "Id": "4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610",
  "Name": "New Package Name"

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "Id": "4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610",
  "ProjectId": "944aa658-8067-42cf-a6a6-ce71535a73bc",
  "Name": "New Package Name",
  "Stereotype": null,
  "OrderNumber": 1,
  "Expands": [
  "Self": "http://localhost/api/executionpackage/4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610",
  "Links": [
      "Href": "http://localhost/api/executionpackage/4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610/children",
      "Rel": "Children"
      "Href": "http://localhost/api/project/944aa658-8067-42cf-a6a6-ce71535a73bc",
      "Rel": "Project"

Status Code

200 - OK

Example - PUT (move package to new parent)

Updating package to have a different parent.

Request Headers


Request Parameters

{id}4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610GUID Identifier of package to delete.

Request Body

  "Id": "4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610",
  "ParentId": "cc91ec0b-a9f2-44fe-bf86-97ecb98cecc6"

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "Id": "4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610",
  "ParentId": "cc91ec0b-a9f2-44fe-bf86-97ecb98cecc6",
  "Name": "New Package Name",
  "Stereotype": null,
  "OrderNumber": 1,
  "Expands": [
  "Self": "http://localhost/api/executionpackage/4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610",
  "Links": [
      "Href": "http://localhost/api/executionpackage/4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610/children",
      "Rel": "Children"
      "Href": "http://localhost/api/executionpackage/cc91ec0b-a9f2-44fe-bf86-97ecb98cecc6",
      "Rel": "Parent"

Status Code

200 - OK

Example - PUT (update multiple details)

Updating package name, stereotype, order and parent.

Request Headers


Request Parameters

{id}4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610GUID Identifier of the package to delete.

Request Body

  "Id": "4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610",
  "Name": "New Package Name",
  "Stereotype": "Plan",
  "OrderNumber": 2,
  "ParentId": "cc91ec0b-a9f2-44fe-bf86-97ecb98cecc6"

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "Id": "4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610",
  "ParentId": "cc91ec0b-a9f2-44fe-bf86-97ecb98cecc6",
  "Name": "New Package Name",
  "Stereotype": "Plan",
  "OrderNumber": 2,
  "Expands": [
  "Self": "http://localhost/api/executionpackage/4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610",
  "Links": [
      "Href": "http://localhost/api/executionpackage/4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610/children",
      "Rel": "Children"
      "Href": "http://localhost/api/executionpackage/cc91ec0b-a9f2-44fe-bf86-97ecb98cecc6",
      "Rel": "Parent"

Status Code

200 - OK

  • No labels