Resource: Agile Runs ( /api/agileruns )

Agile Runs collection resource

Root Relation: AgileRuns



Retrieves all (or a subset) of agile runs that are visible to the user.

This method supports the TQL query parameters tql, $top, $take and $inlinecount. See TQL Topic for more details.

Required Permissions

  • TestManagement/View

Supported Expansions

  • FieldControls
  • FieldValues
  • Steps
  • Project

For more details on expansions, please see the Expand help topic.

Status Codes

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if request is completed successfully.

Example - GET (filtered by TQL Query)

Retrieves agile runs matching a TQL query.

Request Headers


Request Parameters

tqlName ~ 'Report'The TQL query to execute.
$top5Maximum number of results to return (defaults to 25).
$skip0Number of results to skip before return the $top number of results matching the query.
$expandsStepsThe aditional fields to expand

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "Skip": 0,
  "Top": 5,
  "Total": 1,
  "Items": [
      "Id": "e7a8ade8-2452-4856-9f7d-6296b3b82fc8",
      "AssignedToId": null,
      "AssignedTo": null,
      "Description": null,
      "Name": "Report pagination",
      "Notes": null,
      "Number": 1,
      "Objective": null,
      "PostCondition": null,
      "PreCondition": null,
      "PriorityId": "a79e5778-befc-4ffe-b910-873ff737296c",
      "StatusId": "f304c468-58d4-4245-a9c8-7b61a42f57f3",
      "TypeId": "27537607-6c59-4d7c-b812-d5dff13ff738",
      "SourceId": null,
      "SourceContainerId": null,
      "PackageId": "a5c52dc7-e849-4af9-ab99-a01401130d25",
      "OrderNumber": 1,
      "ProjectId": "ef7b7b88-b990-4cb9-98b5-2d89786e51f3",
      "ProjectName": "Test Project",
      "PackageName": "Execution Sets",
      "EstimatedDuration": null,
      "ActualDuration": null,
      "ExecutionStatus": "Not Run",
      "AgileRunNumberReadOnly": false,
      "Expands": [
      "Steps": [
          "Description": null,
          "ExpectedResult": null,
          "Notes": null,
          "Data": null,
          "OrderNumber": 0,
          "ActualResult": null,
          "Result": "NotRun",
          "Id": "23d16899-703f-4e4a-84af-6b87e3bd3adb",
          "HasIncidents": false,
          "HasAttachments": false
      "Self": "http://localhost/api/agilerun/e7a8ade8-2452-4856-9f7d-6296b3b82fc8",
      "Links": [
          "Href": "http://localhost/api/agilerun/e7a8ade8-2452-4856-9f7d-6296b3b82fc8/relationships",
          "Rel": "Relationships"
          "Href": "http://localhost/api/agilerun/e7a8ade8-2452-4856-9f7d-6296b3b82fc8/allrelationships",
          "Rel": "AllRelationships"

Status Code

200 - OK

Example - GET (no filter)

Retrieves agile runs matching a TQL query.

Request Headers


Request Parameters

$top5Maximum number of results to return (defaults to 25).
$skip0Number of results to skip before return the $top number of results matching the query.
$expandsStepsThe aditional fields to expand

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "Skip": 0,
  "Top": 5,
  "Total": 2,
  "Items": [
      "Id": "4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610",
      "AssignedToId": null,
      "AssignedTo": null,
      "Description": null,
      "Name": "Agile Run Started At 2-05-2012 10:00:08 p.m.",
      "Notes": null,
      "Number": 1,
      "Objective": null,
      "PostCondition": null,
      "PreCondition": null,
      "PriorityId": "a79e5778-befc-4ffe-b910-873ff737296c",
      "StatusId": "f304c468-58d4-4245-a9c8-7b61a42f57f3",
      "TypeId": "27537607-6c59-4d7c-b812-d5dff13ff738",
      "SourceId": null,
      "SourceContainerId": null,
      "PackageId": "a5c52dc7-e849-4af9-ab99-a01401130d25",
      "OrderNumber": 0,
      "ProjectId": "ef7b7b88-b990-4cb9-98b5-2d89786e51f3",
      "ProjectName": "Test Project",
      "PackageName": "Execution Sets",
      "EstimatedDuration": null,
      "ActualDuration": null,
      "ExecutionStatus": "Not Run",
      "AgileRunNumberReadOnly": false,
      "Expands": [
      "Steps": [
          "Description": null,
          "ExpectedResult": null,
          "Notes": null,
          "Data": null,
          "OrderNumber": 0,
          "ActualResult": null,
          "Result": "NotRun",
          "Id": "b85cea17-60ce-48ba-923f-f7c332c99cda",
          "HasIncidents": false,
          "HasAttachments": false
      "Self": "http://localhost/api/agilerun/4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610",
      "Links": [
          "Href": "http://localhost/api/agilerun/4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610/relationships",
          "Rel": "Relationships"
          "Href": "http://localhost/api/agilerun/4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610/allrelationships",
          "Rel": "AllRelationships"
      "Id": "e7a8ade8-2452-4856-9f7d-6296b3b82fc8",
      "AssignedToId": null,
      "AssignedTo": null,
      "Description": null,
      "Name": "Report pagination",
      "Notes": null,
      "Number": 1,
      "Objective": null,
      "PostCondition": null,
      "PreCondition": null,
      "PriorityId": "a79e5778-befc-4ffe-b910-873ff737296c",
      "StatusId": "f304c468-58d4-4245-a9c8-7b61a42f57f3",
      "TypeId": "27537607-6c59-4d7c-b812-d5dff13ff738",
      "SourceId": null,
      "SourceContainerId": null,
      "PackageId": "a5c52dc7-e849-4af9-ab99-a01401130d25",
      "OrderNumber": 1,
      "ProjectId": "ef7b7b88-b990-4cb9-98b5-2d89786e51f3",
      "ProjectName": "Test Project",
      "PackageName": "Execution Sets",
      "EstimatedDuration": null,
      "ActualDuration": null,
      "ExecutionStatus": "Not Run",
      "AgileRunNumberReadOnly": false,
      "Expands": [
      "Steps": [
          "Description": null,
          "ExpectedResult": null,
          "Notes": null,
          "Data": null,
          "OrderNumber": 0,
          "ActualResult": null,
          "Result": "NotRun",
          "Id": "23d16899-703f-4e4a-84af-6b87e3bd3adb",
          "HasIncidents": false,
          "HasAttachments": false
      "Self": "http://localhost/api/agilerun/e7a8ade8-2452-4856-9f7d-6296b3b82fc8",
      "Links": [
          "Href": "http://localhost/api/agilerun/e7a8ade8-2452-4856-9f7d-6296b3b82fc8/relationships",
          "Rel": "Relationships"
          "Href": "http://localhost/api/agilerun/e7a8ade8-2452-4856-9f7d-6296b3b82fc8/allrelationships",
          "Rel": "AllRelationships"

Status Code

200 - OK


Creates a new agile run.

Required Permissions

  • TestManagement/ManageExecution

Supported Expansions

  • FieldControls
  • FieldValues
  • Steps
  • Project

For more details on expansions, please see the Expand help topic.

Status Codes

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

201 - CreatedReturned if agile run is created successfully.

Example - Create agile run (minimum required information)

Example of creating a new agile run with the bare minimum of information (supplying only the package where the agile run should be created).

Request Headers


Request Body

{ "PackageId": "a5c52dc7-e849-4af9-ab99-a01401130d25" }

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

  "Id": "4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610",
  "AssignedToId": null,
  "AssignedTo": null,
  "Description": null,
  "Name": "Agile Run Started At 2-05-2012 10:00:08 p.m.",
  "Notes": null,
  "Number": 1,
  "Objective": null,
  "PostCondition": null,
  "PreCondition": null,
  "PriorityId": "a79e5778-befc-4ffe-b910-873ff737296c",
  "StatusId": "f304c468-58d4-4245-a9c8-7b61a42f57f3",
  "TypeId": "27537607-6c59-4d7c-b812-d5dff13ff738",
  "SourceId": null,
  "SourceContainerId": null,
  "PackageId": "a5c52dc7-e849-4af9-ab99-a01401130d25",
  "OrderNumber": 0,
  "ProjectId": "ef7b7b88-b990-4cb9-98b5-2d89786e51f3",
  "ProjectName": "Test Project",
  "PackageName": "Execution Sets",
  "EstimatedDuration": null,
  "ActualDuration": null,
  "ExecutionStatus": "Not Run",
  "AgileRunNumberReadOnly": false,
  "Expands": [
  "Self": "http://localhost/api/agilerun/4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610",
  "Links": [
      "Href": "http://localhost/api/agilerun/4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610/relationships",
      "Rel": "Relationships"
      "Href": "http://localhost/api/agilerun/4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610/allrelationships",
      "Rel": "AllRelationships"

Status Code

201 - Created

  • No labels