You can further build on your Simple Search by using the Advanced Search features. Click on the Advanced tab on the Search screen where you can define your search criteria further by adding details from categories such as:
Date and Time
Test Script
Totals and Counts
Date and Time
The date and time category allows you to specify information related to time-frames or duration's. You can query on a range of data or just enter in the lower or upper parameter as required.
Search Option
Tips and Helpful Hints
Created At
Search on any entity created over a date and time range.
Finished At
Search on automated test script run completion over a date and time range.
Imported At
Search on automated test script run imported at over a date and time range.
Last Synchronized At
Search on a Requirement or Incident last synchronized over a date range.
Last Updated At
Search on any entity last updated over a date range.
Started At
Search on automated test script run started over a date and time range.
Accumulated Actual Duration
Search on the total actual time to execute a script across all runs.
Actual Duration
Search on the total actual time to execute a script across a single run.
Estimated Duration
Search on the Estimated Duration for Requirements and Test Scripts.
Estimated Less Actual Duration
Search on the difference between the estimated time and the actual time it took to execute the script.
This field does represent over run so may calculate down to a negative value.
Remaining Estimate
Search on the Estimated Duration less any time spent for Test Script Assignments.
This field does not represent any over run so will only calculate down to a zero value.
From the incident category you can further define your search criteria to include information from incident specific fields such as:
Search Option
Tips and Helpful Hints
Multi select field allowing you to select Components in your search.
You can select one or more values by using the Shift or Ctrl keys. To deselect a single multi select value, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the value to be deselected. All values will be included in the search if no criteria are specified.
Affected Version
Multi select field allowing you to select Affected Versions in your search.
See above comments on the use of multi select fields. All values will be included in the search if no criteria are specified.
Fixed Version
Multi select field allowing you to select Fixed Versions in your search.
See above comments on the use of multi select fields. All values will be included in the search if no criteria are specified.
Multi select field allowing you to select Fixed Versions in your search.
See above comments on the use of multi select fields. All values will be included in the search if no criteria are specified.
Search on specific text in the comment field.
Incident ID
This is the unique Enterprise Tester incident identifier.
This number can be found on the top right corner of the incident and on the incident grid if the column is displayed.
Issue ID
This is the unique external identifier, for example the JIRA ticket ID “TEST-123”.
This number can be found on the top right corner of the incident and on the incident grid if the column is displayed.
Search on specific text in the Summary field.
The miscellaneous section provides additional search options when looking at some of the supporting information:
Search Option
Tips and Helpful Hints
The Entity number such as Requirement Number or Test Script Number.
Version Number
This version number refers to the version of the requirement or script (not the version of the product you are testing).
This version number can be found when viewing the Versions tab of the requirement or the script.
Change Comment
Change comment is the comment added by Enterprise Tester when updates are made to requirements or scripts.
Change comments can be found on the Versions and History tabs of the requirement or script.
Description allows searching on all description fields across all entities.
Test Script
From the test script category you can further define your search criteria to include information from specific test script fields such as:
Search Option
Tips and Helpful Hints
Script Priority
Multi select field allowing you to select Script Priorities in your search.
You can select one or more values by using the Shift or Ctrl keys. To deselect a single multi select value, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the value to be deselected. All values will be included in the search if no criteria are specified.
Script Status
Multi select field allowing you to select Script Statuses in your search.
See above comments on the use of multi select fields. All values will be included in the search if no criteria are specified.
Script Type
Multi select field allowing you to select Script Types in your search.
See above comments on the use of multi select fields. All values will be included in the search if no criteria are specified.
Allows searching on specific text in this field.
Allows searching on specific text in this field.
Pre Condition
Allows searching on specific text in this field.
Post Condition
Allows searching on specific text in this field.
Step Actual Result
Allows searching on specific text in this field.
Step Data
Allows searching on specific text in this field.
Step Description
Allows searching on specific text in this field.
Step Expected Results
Allows searching on specific text in this field.
Step Notes
Allows searching on specific text in this field.
Totals and Counts
Totals and counts allow you to search on a variety of total and count related information. You can query on a range of data or just enter in the lower or upper parameter as required.
Search Option
Assignments Count
Allows searching on Test Scripts & Automated Test Scripts that have been executed.
Attachment Count
Allows searching on entities that have attachments.
Automated Test Count
Allows searching across counts of Automated Tests.
Incident Count
Allows searching across counts of Incidents.
Requirement Count
Allows searching across counts of Requirements.
Script Count
Search will display requirements that have associated scripts as per your count values.
Script Step Count
Allows searching across counts of Steps within a Test Script Assignment.
Total Blocked
Allows searching across executed scripts with a Blocked Status.
Total Errors
Allows searching across executed scripts with a Error Status.
Total Failed
Allows searching across executed scripts with a Failed Status.
Total In-Progress
Allows searching across executed scripts with a In Progress Status.
Total Iterations
Allows searching on iteration counts for Automated Test Script Assignments.
Total Nodes
The total number of nodes within an automated test assignment.
Total Not Run
Allows searching across executed scripts with a Not Run Status.
Total Passed
Allows searching across executed scripts with a Passed Status.
Total Results
Allows searching across counts of Results within a Test Script Assignment.
Total Skipped
Allows searching across executed scripts with a Skipped Status.
Total Undetermined
Allows searching across executed scripts with an Undetermined Status.
Total Warnings
Allows searching across executed scripts with a Warning Status
You can further define your search by specifying user related information such as:
Search Option
Assigned To
Search on entities assigned to a specific user.
Search on the editor of any entity (and editor is anyone who has created or update an entity).
Last Updated By
Search based on the last user to have updated an entity.
Raised By
Search on entities raised by a specific user.
Run By
Search on entities which have been run by a specific user (applies to script assignments and automated test assignments).
Custom Fields
A fully flexible search is further supported by being able to search on your custom fields. Click on the Custom field tab via the Search screen. Here you will see any custom fields that you have configured in Enterprise Tester, you will be able to search on these accordingly.
Custom fields are grouped by type on this screen.
Query Tab
TQL at its heart is a set of one or more terminal expressions - A terminal expression is composed of a Field, such as "Name", followed by an operator such as Contains (~) and then a value i.e. "button". Here is how we would write the above expression in TQL:
Name ~ "button"
Enterprise Tester provides a comprehensive TQL Query Help within the application. There are a number of topics with explicit examples to help you become familiar with TQL. To start go to the Fields help topic. Within each of the field definitions there are example queries that will assist in providing context.
For those users familiar with the JIRA Query Language (JQL) - you may find it useful to review the TQL for JQL Users help topic.
Manage Tab
Once you have written and verified your query you can save the query by using the save button on the search screen or on the Manage Tab.
You can save your query as a shared query (that anyone can access and edit) or private query that only you can access. Your shared and private queries can be found in the Shared Queries and My Queries sections of the Manage Tab.