Function: Unmatched
Unmatched is a special function which returns true if the value has not matched any of the previous facets, it does not accept any arguments.
To illustrate - if there were 3 requirements, each with different priorities:
- Requirement A - Priority: High
- Requirement B - Priority: Low
- Requirement C - Priority: Medium
We could write a Faceted aggregation expression:
Faceted Equal(Priority, High) AS 'Urgent', OrArgs(Equal(Priority, Low), Equal(Priority, Medium)) AS 'Non-Urgent' { COUNT } WHERE EntityType = Requirement
But if we add more non-high priorities to the picklist over time, we will need to update our faceted query to then capture those values.
As an alternative we could just write this:
Faceted Equal(Priority,High) as 'Urgent', Unmatched() as 'Non-Urgent' { COUNT } WHERE EntityType = Requirement
In this case anything that doesn't match urgent will be "unmatched" and fall through to the "Unmatched()" facet.