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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

Resource: Relationship ( /api/organisation/{organisationId}/relationshiptype/{key}/relationship/{id} )

Relationship resource - allows the retrieval, update and deletion of a single relationship

This resource supports the following methods: DELETE, GET, PUT



Delete relationship.

Required Permissions

  • TestManagement/View

Status Codes

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if request was completed successfully.
403 - ForbiddenReturned if you have insufficient permissions to delete this relationship.
404 - NotFoundReturned if organisation or relationship does not exist.

Example - Delete a single relationship

Removes a single relationship.

Request Headers


Request Parameters

{organisationId}4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610ID of the organisation the relationship belongs to.
{key}RequirementToRequirementAssociationThe key of the relationship type being updated.
{id}e6cc76e6-df0f-42ac-bf20-72576256d262ID of the relationship to update.

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Status Code

200 - OK


Retrieve a relationship (does not include it's children)

Required Permissions

  • TestManagement/View

Status Codes

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if request was completed successfully.
403 - ForbiddenReturned if you have insufficient permissions to retrieve this relationship.
404 - NotFoundReturned if organisation or relationship does not exist.

Example - Retrieve a single relationship

Retrieves the details of a single realtionship.

Request Headers


Request Parameters

{organisationId}4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610ID of the organisation the relationship belongs to.
{key}RequirementToRequirementAssociationThe key of the relationship type being retrieved.
{id}e6cc76e6-df0f-42ac-bf20-72576256d262ID of the relationship to retrieved.

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

Code Block
  "EntityId": "8F00D2CE-6243-4956-AF89-60B7B9755A9B",
  "Number": "1",
  "Name": "Some Requirement",
  "EntityType": "Requirement",
  "AssignedTo": "joeb",
  "Status": "Draft",
  "Priority": "High",
  "Type": "Functional",
  "PackageId": "c232382b-0c66-475b-b59b-8753d4c5377b",
  "PackageName": "Version 1",
  "PackageEntityType": "RequirementPackage",
  "PackagePath": "/Requirements/Version 1",
  "RelationshipId": "e6cc76e6-df0f-42ac-bf20-72576256d262",
  "RelationshipTypeKey": "RequirementToRequirementAssociation",
  "RelationshipType": "Associated",
  "Relation": "Association",
  "RelationshipDirection": "Source -> Destination",
  "CanDelete": true,
  "CanEdit": false,
  "Children": [],
  "Links": [
      "Href": "http://localhost/api",
      "Rel": "Entity"

Status Code

201 - Created


Update the direction of a relationship

Required Permissions

  • TestManagement/View

Status Codes

These are the expected status codes returned by the service - in addition, some other status codes may be returned if either an internal error occurs or there is an authentication issue (such as an expired OAuth token).

200 - OKReturned if the request was completed successfully.
403 - ForbiddenReturned if you have insufficient permissions to update the relationship.
404 - NotFoundReturned if organisation or relationship does not exist.

Example - Update the direction of a relationship

Updates the direction of a relationship (This is the only supported type of a update you can apply to a relationship, to change it's source or destination end you must be delete the existing relationship and create a new one.

Request Headers


Request Parameters

{organisationId}4bb709c2-e0e7-4af3-9f60-a045016a9610ID of the organisation the relationship belongs to.
{key}RequirementToRequirementAssociationThe key of the relationship type being updated.
{id}e6cc76e6-df0f-42ac-bf20-72576256d262ID of the relationship to update.

Request Body

Code Block
  "RelationshipDirection": "SourceToDestination"

Response Headers

Content-Typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body

Code Block
  "EntityId": "8F00D2CE-6243-4956-AF89-60B7B9755A9B",
  "Number": "1",
  "Name": "Some Requirement",
  "EntityType": "Requirement",
  "AssignedTo": "joeb",
  "Status": "Draft",
  "Priority": "High",
  "Type": "Functional",
  "PackageId": "c232382b-0c66-475b-b59b-8753d4c5377b",
  "PackageName": "Version 1",
  "PackageEntityType": "RequirementPackage",
  "PackagePath": "/Requirements/Version 1",
  "RelationshipId": "e6cc76e6-df0f-42ac-bf20-72576256d262",
  "RelationshipTypeKey": "RequirementToRequirementAssociation",
  "RelationshipType": "Associated",
  "Relation": "Association",
  "RelationshipDirection": "Source -> Destination",
  "CanDelete": true,
  "CanEdit": false,
  "Children": [],
  "Links": [
      "Href": "http://localhost/api",
      "Rel": "Entity"

Status Code

201 - Created