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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Destination is a field available for use when within a relationships sub-select, and allows you to select the RelatedTo (destination) entities based on a subsequent sub-select against the Entities index.


All requirements that related to scripts, where the scripts have a text that contains the word "button":


For the above example, a more succinct way to write the query would be the use the RelatedTo field instead:

Code Block
EntityType = Requirement AND RelatedTo IN { EntityType = Script AND Text ~ "button" }

See Also

Supported Operators

=, IN, !=, NOT IN

Supported Indexes


Supported Types

  • AgileRun
  • AutomatedTest
  • AutomatedTestAssignment
  • Incident
  • Requirement
  • RequirementPackage
  • TestExecutionPackage
  • TestScript
  • TestScriptAssignment
  • TestScriptPackage
