Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The query within the sub-select is executed against the Relationships Index and has access to all the Relationships index fields.

When searching the relationships index, you are effectively searching a list of all the relationships each entity has to other entities, both direct and indirect, so you compose your sub-select query in terms of the "Source" and "Destination" entities, the Destination entites expose a number of fields that start with "RelatedTo" which make it possible to identify the related entities.

Two convenience fields are also provided to simplifying searching for related entities RelatedTo and DirectlyRelatedTo which we recommend users become familiar with before branching out into learning how to use the Relationships index and it's fields.


Code Block
EntityType = Requirement
  AND Relationships IN {
      Destination IN { 
          Type = Bug
          AND Resolution = 'Wont Fix'
          AND CreatedAt >= "-1 week"

See Also

Supported Operators

=, IN, !=, NOT IN

Supported Indexes

Entity, Run

Supported Types

  • AgileRun
  • AutomatedTest
  • AutomatedTestAssignment
  • AutomatedTestRun
  • Incident
  • Requirement
  • RequirementPackage
  • ScriptRun
  • TestExecutionPackage
  • TestScript
  • TestScriptAssignment
  • TestScriptPackage
